Eclipse IDE Celebrates Its 20th Birthday: Happy Birthday!

Eclipse IDE Celebrates Its 20th Birthday: Happy Birthday!

Eclipse IDE Celebrates Its 20th Birthday: Happy Birthday! November 09, 2021 On November 7, 2001, IBM released the source code for the Eclipse IDE. The development environment was originally aimed at Java projects, and it was inspired by IBM’s commercial IDE Visual Age...
StorAIge: LinkedIn Company Profile & Website

StorAIge: LinkedIn Company Profile & Website

StorAIge: LinkedIn Company Profile & Website November 03, 2021 We are proud to be part of the European StorAIge project (Embedded storage elements on next MCU generation ready for AI on the edge) and have the pleasure to inform you that a StorAIge LinkedIn account...
emmtrix Technologies Wins Start-Up Award at ELIV 2021!

emmtrix Technologies Wins Start-Up Award at ELIV 2021!

emmtrix Technologies Wins Start-Up Award at ELIV 2021! October 25, 2021 We are proud to have been awarded “Best start-up 2021” by VDI Wissensforum GmbH at this year’s ELIV. Thanks to VDI Wissensforum GmbH and all ELIV participants who voted for us...
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