by | | 2021, News
StorAIge: LinkedIn Company Profile & Website November 03, 2021 We are proud to be part of the European StorAIge project (Embedded storage elements on next MCU generation ready for AI on the edge) and have the pleasure to inform you that a StorAIge LinkedIn account...
by | | 2021, News
emmtrix Technologies Wins Start-Up Award at ELIV 2021! October 25, 2021 We are proud to have been awarded “Best start-up 2021” by VDI Wissensforum GmbH at this year’s ELIV. Thanks to VDI Wissensforum GmbH and all ELIV participants who voted for us...
by | | 2021, News
emmtrix Is Part of the European Research and Innovation Project “StorAIge – embedded storage elements on next MCU generation ready for AI on the edge” October 18, 2021 EU funding ECSEL: Germany sweeps the board once more in the last round The EU...
by | | 2021, News
Static Performance Estimation for Embedded Processors Based on Compiler Intermediate Representations October 14, 2021 We are proud to see that the master thesis of one of our former working students, Mrs. Pranjal Ranka, got featured on the website of Hector School,...
by | | 2021, News
Beijing Siener Is the New Automotive Value-Added Reseller (VAR) of emmtrix Technologies in China October 06, 2021 emmtrix Technologies expands its sales activities in China with the reseller partnership with Beijing Siener Electronics Tech. Development Co. Ltd., a...
by | | 2021, News
The EU-Project ALMA Is Having Its 10th Anniversary September 22, 2021 We have reason to celebrate. The ALMA project – cradle for emmtrix Technologies – is having its 10th anniversary. In September 2011, 10 years ago, the European ALMA project (Algorithm...
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