Contradiction vs. Concentration

Contradiction vs. Concentration

Contradiction vs. Concentration emmtrix Tech Posts: Work & Fun with C++ StandardCategory: Knowledge Congratulations, you have made it until the end of our emmtrix Tech Posts mini-series Work & Fun with C++ Standard! As a reward you have earned one last task. 😊...
I Am There, but I Am Not

I Am There, but I Am Not

I Am There, but I Am Not emmtrix Tech Posts: Work & Fun with C++ StandardCategory: Knowledge Not everything that is there in the standard, can be visible in the development. C++ standard library defines a class array (std::array). The most vital part of the...
An Operator Newcomer or a Cheater?

An Operator Newcomer or a Cheater?

An Operator Newcomer or a Cheater? emmtrix Tech Posts: Work & Fun with C++ StandardCategory: Anecdote There was a day when a requirement engineer needed to generate a CSV-file based on the requirements from the C++ standard. A basic question appeared straight...
The Wealth of a Language Relies Upon Its Words

The Wealth of a Language Relies Upon Its Words

The Wealth of a Language Relies Upon Its Words emmtrix Tech Posts: Work & Fun with C++ StandardCategory: Fun Facts Throughout the C++ standard, the words “may” and “shall” require special attention. They are two of the most commonly used...
Free Information Material on Performance Estimation

Free Information Material on Performance Estimation

Free Information Material on Performance Estimation May 10, 2023 Software development for embedded systems very often involves time-critical applications that need to complete their tasks within a specified time frame. If you want to learn more how static performance...
Meeting with the New Consul General of the French Republic

Meeting with the New Consul General of the French Republic

Meeting with the New Consul General of the French Republic May 08, 2023 On May 04, 2023, our Managing Director, Rainer Heim, had the pleasure to meet the new Consul General of the French Republic, Gaël de MAISONNEUVE, who is also the Head of the Institut Français de...
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