by | | 2022, News
Become Part of Embedded 4You February 16, 2022 We would like to introduce you to one of our networks in more detail and recommend it warmly: Embedded 4You e.V. (E4Y) E4Y is the leading competence network for embedded technologies in Germany. With more than 30 SMEs and...
by | | 2022, News
Release: ePS Version 2022.01 February 08, 2022 We have released version 2022.01 of emmtrix Parallel Studio. As a new feature, we added initial vectorization support for the AURIX TC4x PPU that enables the generation of C code for Synopsys and Tasking PPU compilers....
by | | 2021, News
Some of Our Highlights in 2021 December 16, 2021 2021 is gradually coming to an end. The Corona pandemic kept us on our toes again, but we found it easier to cope with the situation, as did most of our partners and customers. So all in all we can look back on a...
by | | 2021, News
StorAIge: €100M Project to Develop Low Power Edge AI Microcontroller December 07, 2021 Nick Flaherty, Editor in Chief at eeNews Europe, introduces the European StorAIge project led by STMicroelectronics in his article “€100m project to develop low power edge AI...
by | | 2021, News
Game-Changing Innovations Thanks to the EU Horizon 2020 EIC Accelerator Programme November 30, 2021 At this year’s ELIV emmtrix Technologies received the award “Best start-up 2021” from VDI Wissensforum GmbH. We are very grateful for this recognition...
by | | 2021, News
Release: ePS Version 2021.09 November 11, 2021 emmtrix has released version 2021.09 of their Parallel Studio. Besides the usual bug fixes and improvement, this release features support for large projects (> 1 million lines of code). They are now split up into...
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