by | | 2020, News
Get a Free Evaluation Package July 6, 2020 Would you like to take a look inside emmtrix Parallel Studio (ePS) – our development tool for guided, semi-automated parallelization and find out how it can help you in mastering your parallelization challenges on embedded...
by | | 2020, News
LuFo VI: emmtrix Is Part of the Research Project Qualifiable Software Parallelization for Multicore Avionics Systems June 23, 2020 Since June 2020, emmtrix Technologies has been part of a new research project called “Qualifiable Software Parallelization for Multicore...
by | | 2020, News
Last is Best (LIB) Inter-Task Communication Model vs. Logical Execution Time (LET) Approach June 16, 2020 In our article “Logical Execution Time for Control Applications”, we answer the question whether LET is useful for the parallelization of control software for...
by | | 2020, News
Why to Use emmtrix Parallel Studio to Generate CUDA Code for the GPU-Based NVIDIA®Jetson™ Boards June 03, 2020 Our software parallelization tool emmtrix Parallel Studio (ePS) has already a wide range of supported target platforms ranging from general-purpose...
by | | 2020, News
Performance Test: Verified, Faster Execution Time Using emmtrix Code Generator May 27, 2020 Developers and engineers using MATLAB to solve scientific problems can use the MATLAB Coder to compile MATLAB Scripts to C-Code. However, generating C-Code for multicore...
by | | 2020, News
Tanja Fassnacht in an Interview with CyberForum April 21, 2020 Tanja Fassnacht, HR Manager at emmtrix Technologies, in an interview with CyberForum e.V., the largest in Europe. CyberForum has long been an important contact for us regarding...
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