emmtrix Parallel Studio Nominated for Embedded Award 2018

emmtrix Parallel Studio Nominated for Embedded Award 2018

emmtrix Parallel Studio Nominated for Embedded Award 2018 February 10, 2018 emmtrix Parallel Studio has been nominated for this year’s Embedded Award for the category ‘Tools’. The prize is for outstandingly innovative and trailblazing products and will be handed out...
emmtrix Parallel Studio Nominated for Embedded Award 2018

emmtrix Contributes to the EU-Project ARGO

emmtrix contributes to the European research project ARGO (WCET-Aware Parallelization of Model-Based Applications for Heterogeneous Parallel Systems). The goal of ARGO is to develop a tool-chain which translates model-based Scilab/Xcos applications into multi-core...
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