We Are

Your Tool Experts for Accelerating Your Applications for High-Performance Embedded Systems

emmtrix Technologies offers tools and support in the fields of:

  • Target architecture optimized automatic C code generation for embedded single- and multicore processors, DSP and GPU systems from model-based application software
  • Development services in the fields of software parallelization, performance optimization and statically analysis of applications regarding dependencies and performance bottlenecks
  • User-centric training and consulting services in software parallelization, code optimization and usage of emmtrix’ tools suite

em(bedded) m(a)trix
= emmtrix

Core Team

Our team includes highly-skilled engineers and operational professionals with an extensive knowledge in embedded systems engineering. Key members of our team are listed below.

Portrait Timo Stripf


Timo Stripf

Managing Director

Portrait Rainer Heim

Rainer Heim

Managing Director

Portrait Oliver Oey


Oliver Wolf

Product Manager

Portrait Michael Rückauer


Michael Rückauer

Software Architect

Portrait Jürgen Becker

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c.

Jürgen Becker


Company History

The company was founded as a spin-off from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in 2016. The idea for emmtrix Technologies originated in the cutting-edge research in the European FP7-Project ALMA that focused on the architecture-oriented parallelization for high-performance embedded multicore systems. The core technology of the ALMA project was taken as the basis for the tools emmtrix Parallel Studio and emmtrix Code Generator and were further developed for industrial requirements. This led to the development of safety-relevant features like a qualification kit for the parallelization to address standards like ISO 26262 or DO-330c for automotive and avionic industries.

In the next years, a workflow around the parallelization in emmtrix Parallel Studio was established that supported input languages like C, MATLAB® and Simulink as well as open alternatives like Scilab and GNU Octave and extended the supported platforms to also include accelerators like GPUs and FPGAs.

In 2020 began a shift to look at the compiler expertise at emmtrix as different focus areas, namely software parallelization, performance estimation, code conversion and static source code analysis.

Intensifying cooperation with first customers led to a focus on two areas: code analysis and code optimization. In 2023, emmtrix introduced emmtrix Studio as a framework with different tools for analysis (emmtrix Performance Estimator and emmtrix Dependency Analyzer) and optimization (emmtrix Parallel Studio and emmtrix Code Vectorizer).





Innovative through Reserach Award 2022/2023
awarded by:
Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V.


“Best start-up 2021”
at ELIV 2021
awarded by:


Innovative through Reserach Award 2020/2021
awarded by:
Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V.


emmtrix Parallel Studio 2018
awarded by:
Messe Nürnberg GmbH


Product of the Year 2018

awarded by:


2nd Place
Cyber Champion Award 2016
awarded by:
CyberForum e.V.


Innovative Through Research Award

Active Participation in the
2023 R&D Survey

certificated by:
Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V.

Innovative Through Research Award

EIC Greenhouse Gas Programme
Stage 1 – C02 Footprint

certificated by:
Innovation Council


Innovative Through Research Award

Computer systems and method
for validation of
parallelized computer programs

patented by:
European Patent Office

Innovative Through Research Award

Computer systems and method for
parallel program code

patented by:
European Patent Office

Innovative Through Research Award

Computer systems and method
for multi-processor communication

patented by:
European Patent Office

Let’s work together. Any questions about our products and / or services? Interested in a cooperation? Then contact Rainer Heim. He is looking forward to hearing from you.

Portrait Rainer Heim

Rainer Heim

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Automation Tools for Better Code

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