and Partners
People Who Trust Us
Together with our customers and partners we create solutions for leveraging embedded multicore programming.
Infineon – Associated Partner
emmtrix Technologies partnered with Infineon, the leading semiconductor manufacturer for automotive applications to support Infineon’s 32-bit AURIX™ Microcontrollers based on Tricore™.
AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) is a worldwide development partnership of vehicle manufacturers, suppliers, service providers and companies from the automotive electronics, semiconductor and software industry. As development partner, emmtrix aims to establish compatibility of its solutions to this cross-company standard and to the AUTOSAR authoring tools.
The next generation of Infineon 32-bit TriCore™ AURIX™ MCU will boast a parallel processing unit (PPU) built with Synopsys’ DesignWare® ARC® EV7x processor. Since the beginning of this year emmtrix Technologies have been working on providing a smooth and efficient support for model-based input code like MathWorks SIMULINK and MATLAB for the PPU, making good use of the DesignWare ARC MetaWare Development EV Toolkit provided by Synopsys to technology partners. Being experts in parallelization, emmtrix will look at a number of ways to support the SIMD vector DSP to enable automotive users of the latest AURIX™ TC4xx family to take their software to the next level.
TASKING and emmtrix Technologies are collaborating to offer integrated solutions for emmtrix’ C code generator with TASKING’s C/C ++ compiler suites for transportation, automotive and agricultural applications. This yields a seamless workflow between emmtrix Parallel Studio and the TASKING compiler, which in turn enables easy programmability for established microprocessors such as TriCore™, AURIX™ and RH850.
HighTec and emmtrix Technologies are collaborating to offer integrated solutions of emmtrix’s C code generation with HighTec’s C/C++ compiler suites for automotive and industrial applications. This seamless workflow simplifies the configuration and compilation for established microprocessors such as AURIX, AURIX 2G, Power Architecture (PowerPC) and ARM.
Validas AG is the leading company for tool and library qualification and innovation partner for method and tool deployment in the field of safety critical and standard compliant software development. The cooperation with emmtrix helps us to develop tools for code coverage, for checking programming guidelines and for code generators.
AbsInt are experts in tools and services for the development, analysis and certification of safety-critical software. Together with emmtrix they are working on topics like performance estimation and qualification of parallel programs.
Andes Technology Corporation
emmtrix Technologies cooperates with Andes Technology Corporation, one of the founders and Premier members of RISC-V International. The aim of the cooperation is to provide customers with the best support of the AndesCore™ processors within the emmtrix’ development tools. emmtrix’ technologies for performance estimation, automated vectorization and parallelization can substantially reduce the programming effort for these powerful processors and facilitate the uptake of this exciting technology.
emmtrix Technologies is working together with the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., DLR) to tackle different challenges in the avionics domain. This includes topics like parallelization of models and qualification of parallel applications.
emmtrix Technologies is a spin-off of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and still works closely with the institute today.
TU Clausthal
emmtrix is working closely together with the Aeronautial Informatics working group of the TU Clausthal on topics like certification of parallel programs and model-based design flows for avionic applications.
If you are interested in our parallel computing solutions and services or if you would like to become a project partner please use our contact form or get directly in touch.

Rainer Heim