Heartfelt Congratulation to Oliver Wolf on His Successful Doctoral Examination

July 17, 2024

Oliver, co-founder of emmtrix Technologies GmbH, has defended his dissertation titled “Multigranulare Optimierung für heterogene Multicore-Systeme” (“Multigranular Optimization for Heterogeneous Multicore Systems”) as an external doctoral student under Prof. Juergen Becker at Institut für Technik der Informationsverarbeitung.

In an era where the complexity of embedded systems and their programming is rapidly increasing, achieving optimal performance on these systems is more challenging than ever.

Oliver’s work has led to the development of a methodology that generates optimized C code for embedded multicore systems through cross-layer parallelization. His approach involves four abstraction levels—algorithm, code, task, and data—that utilize increasingly detailed hardware specifications for specific optimizations. This iterative method allows for the refinement of decisions and settings at each level, ensuring optimal performance.

We at emmtrix Technologies GmbH are incredibly proud of Oliver’s remarkable achievement and wish him all the best for his future endeavors, both personally and professionally.

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