We Support Your

Our Support and Services

emmtrix Technologies offers tailored support and consulting services. Our team is assembled with most appropriate expertise and experience to solve individual customer challenges. We focus on delivering practical, customized, and enduring solutions.

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Integration & Tool Customization

Complete Integration services considering unique and complex requirements

We offer

  • Customization of emmtrix tools for your target domain’s requirements
  • Individual interfaces for the seamless integration of emmtrix tools into your workflow
  • New product features on demand
  • Support for your target architecture of choice (i.e. multicore, FPGA, GPU)
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Technical Consulting

Transfer of our expert engineers’ knowledge and expertise

We offer

  • Performance optimization for single-core architectures (e.g. cache optimization, floating-to-fixed-point conversion)
  • Deployment of applications on multicore architectures, FPGAs and GPUs (shared/distributed memory, homogeneous/heterogeneous)
  • Evaluation and selection of appropriate single- and multicore architectures individually and with FPGA and GPU accelerators if applicable
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Trainings & Support

Advantages through a bunch of user trainings and project-based support

We offer

  • Guidance and exercises to learn the efficient use of emmtrix products
  • Comprehensive introductions to all aspects of multicore software development
  • Individual trainings on related topics upon request

Free Webinars on Software Optimization

Modern multi-core systems, DSPs and GPUs are ubiquitous, with vector processing units like the PPU of AURIX TC4x™ adding another type of accelerator. In order to use these platforms efficiently and effectively, companies and software developers have to deal with and understand parallelization/vectorization. Distributing software onto the available processing units increases performance but also complexity. In our webinars you will learn how to successfully parallelize/vectorize code, as well as more about our tools and their benefits.

For more information on our tools and services use our contact form or get directly in touch.

Portrait Rainer Heim

Rainer Heim

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