Asked Questions
Got Questions? We’ve got answers!
Below you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on emmtrix Technologies. If you don’t see your question here, drop us a line on our Contact Page.
What do you do?
emmtrix are experts in static code analysis, code optimisation and code generation. We provide tools and related services to support software developers.
Do you offer tools or services?
While our focus is on offering tools, we also provide all services relating to these tools, for example tool customization, support for new target platforms, additional features, trainings and technical consulting in our focus areas.
How do you provide your tools?
Our tools can be licensed in many ways, the aim being to suit the customer’s needs. Standalone, floating, time-based, project-based licenses are some examples.
Can I try before I buy?
Of course. We will support you in your free evaluation.
Do you offer testing tools?
No, we don’t offer any testing tools. Our solutions do not focus on testing as such, even though there are some testing-relevant use cases, such as determining which parts of the program was impacted by a code change and needs re-testing. If you have a specific requirement in this field, please contact us.
Tool Specific
How does your software tool integrate with other systems or software?
Our software uses open formats like XML or JSON for data exchange and together with the command line interface of our tools, integration into existing workflows is usually fairly straightforward.
Which hardware platforms do you support?
A wide variety is already supported: ARM, AURIX™, RISC-V, PowerPC. Also accelerators like DSPs, vector-processors and GPUs. Other platforms can be added upon request.
Which operating system is required?
Our tools are tested on Windows and Linux. For the embedded systems, we don’t have any special requirements and are not aware of any noteworthy limitations.
Do you support AUTOSAR?
We are a member of the AUTOSAR consortium and can use the information from the ARXML descriptions for various purposes like identification of entry points for performance estimation. Project-specific adjustments may be required.
Does your solution scale with large software (automotive) projects?
Yes, we have successfully analysed projects with several million lines of source code.
Do you also support C++?
At the centre of our solutions is our static C source code analysis. To support C++, we offer our emmtrix C++ to C Compiler that produces functionally equivalent C code from the C++ input code.
In which domains are your tools used?
At this point in time mostly automotive and avionic, but our solutions are not domain-specific.
What about functional safety (ISO 26262, DO-178C, …)?
Our solutions have been developed with functional safety in mind:
- Deterministic behavior
- Correct-by-design approach for optimization
- Checker tool for functional equivalence
- Qualification Kit in preparation
How accurate are the results of your performance estimation?
For deterministic architectures (e.g. Infineon AURIX™) some 95% accuracy compared to hardware measurements can be achieved.
What speed-up can you achieve with your parallelization?
The speed-up depends on your target (number of processing units, communication cost), your application (dependencies, amount of calculation) and how well these two are matched. The emmtrix solution provides a number of automated transformation to increase and exploit parallel potential, thus achieving good to very good results.
Do you have any further questions? Feel free to write them in our contact form or get directly in touch.