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Tools and Services
ePS – Recipe for Software Parallelization
emmtrix Parallel Studio (ePS) has made multicore programming easy. In this video we show you 4 steps for a successful software parallelization within ePS:
- Find hotspots in the program
- Analyse dependencies and assign tasks to cores
- Apply code transformations
- Synchronize the cores
produced in 2020, duration: 01:56 min
Datenparallele Anwendungen schnell und sicher beschleunigen
Modellbasierte Entwicklung für Vektoreinheiten* (***German Version***)
The presentation, given by Kajetan Nürnberger, Infineon Technologies, and Michael Rückauer, emmtrix Technologies, at the ESE Kongress 2021**, shows a model-based vectorization solution as an alternative to manual programming for the next generation of Infineon 32-bit TriCore™ AURIX™ MCUs, which features a data-parallel vector computing unit in addition to the general-purpose processor cores. The developer can focus fully on the functional modelling of the application. The architecture-specific implementation is then done by automatic code generation from the model. With this approach, performance comparable to manual optimization can be achieved with a fraction of the time required.
*Safe and straightforward acceleration of data-parallel applications. Model-based development for vector processors
**organized by ELEKTRONIKPRAXIS and MicroConsult
produced in 2021, duration: 29:02 min
Software Parallelization Considering Functional Safety (***German Version***)
In his presentation, given at the “Forum Safety & Security 2021*”, Dr. Timo Stripf, Managing Director of emmtrix Technologies GmbH, shows how sequential applications can automatically be converted into parallel programs and presents a tool (ePS Qualification Kit) that can be used to prepare the generated parallel code for certification.
produced in 2021, duration: 30:18 min
Entwicklung paralleler Systeme für qualifizierbare Komponenten am Beispiel des Infineon AURIX™
Nutzen von Mehrkernprozessoren unter Berücksichtigung der funktionalen Sicherheit* (***German Version***)
In his presentaton, given at the ESE Kongress 2020**, Oliver Oey, Senior Engineer at emmtrix Technoloiges, shows how emmtrix Parallel Studio can be used to parallelize C code while taking functional safety into account. It introduces the concept of verifiable code modifications and how the functional equivalence between the sequential and the parallel code is checked. The Infineon AURIX™ is used as target platform to showcase a qualifiable workflow for parallel applications.
*Development of parallel systems for qualifiable components using Infineon AURIX™ as an example – Use of multi-core processors under consideration of functional safety
**organized by ELEKTRONIKPRAXIS and MicroConsult
produced in 2020, duration: 19:26 min
Runtime of Simulink Models – How to Get a Grip
***Protected Download***

Explore how to effectively address timing challenges in embedded systems using the emmtrix Performance Estimator. We’ll demonstrate its seamless integration into model-based design flows with Simulink and TargetLink, enabling precise performance estimation at the block level. You’ll also see how the generated reports can be used in automated CI/CD workflows, supported by a live demonstration showcasing both the advantages and potential limitations.
produced in October 2024, duration: 45:48 min
Parallel Programming Made Easy for Infineon 32-bit TriCore™ AURIX™ MCU
Worried about the pitfalls of parallel programming on a complex and sophisticated multicore system like the AURIX™? In our 60-minute webinar we will show you how to harness the power of Infineon 32-bit TriCore™ AURIX™- TC2xx and TC3xx multicore microcontrollers without the necessity of diving deeply into the technical details of this powerful architecture.
produced on Jan 21, 2021, duration: 58:38 min
Best Practice Webinar for Multicore Programming
New to multicore? Worried about the complexity of parallel programming? Help is at hand! In 75-minutes will cover among others the most common techniques how to parallelize code, avoid errors in parallel programming and show you how to successfully predict the performance of a parallelized application. We will also give a good idea of how our automated solution – emmtrix Parallel Studio, makes parallelization easy and show you a couple of key benefits.
produced on Aug 09,2020, duration: 01:09:26 hours
We are emmtrix!
Get to know the company, our tools and services. We take you on a short trip through our emmtrix Parallel Studio. Want to find out more? Drop us a line.
produced in 2020, duration: 03:30 min
Master the Challenges of Multicore Programming (***German Version***)
What are the challenges in multicore programming and how can these be successfully mastered with emmtrix Parallel Studio? The video, which was produced for the “CyberChampion Award” competition* in 2016, will answer these questions.
*organized by CyberForum GmbH
produced by Knappe 1a Productions GmbH in 2016, duration: 02:00 min
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