with emmtrix Tools
Enhanced Support for Automotive
The AUTOSAR classic platform is a standard specification that defines several abstraction layers from the microcontroller to the applications. The Basic Software (BSW) Layer consists of services such as operating system, communication, diagnostic, and hardware abstraction layers that provide standardized interfaces to the application layer. The Runtime Environment (RTE) acts as the middleware that enables communication between the application software and the basic software layer, abstracting the complexity of the hardware and the BSW modules. Finally, the Application Layer contains functional software components developed by OEMs or suppliers, which can be easily ported across different hardware platforms due to the abstraction provided by the RTE.
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Features in an AUTOSAR Environment
- Automatic extraction of relevant runnables based on trigger events
- Performance estimation of individual runnables on different embedded architectures using, for example, Infineon AURIX, ARM Cortex or RISC-V processors
- Extraction of data dependencies with individual runnables to verify and obtain more detailed information on dependencies as specified in AUTOSAR
- Interactive dependency visualization per runnable
- Enables event chain analysis across multiple SWCs
- Tracking of signals and their safety levels throughout the system, e.g. to detect OBD-relevant parts
The emmtrix analysis tools ePE and eDA are designed to analyze C code on the Application Layer in the form of runnables that are part of Application Software Components (SWCs) and make up the functional part of applications. They can be considered as running isolated from the rest of the system as all interaction with other runnables is handled through function calls to the RTE.
The entry point for analysis or optimization is typically a runnable, specifically the C function that implements the runnable’s functionality. As the RTE can come from different vendors and not all developers in the supply chain have access to it, we generate our own custom RTE from the AUTOSAR specification to facilitate the analysis of the runnables. This covers all relevant topics such as data types, required functions and macro definitions to ensure correct analyzability of the source code.
For more information or to request a demo, a chat or a meeting use our contact form or get directly in touch. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.