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Source: https://timsong-cpp.github.io/cppwp/n3337/intro

List of Tables [tab]
List of Figures [fig]
1 General [intro]
1.1 Scope [intro.scope]
1.2 Normative references [intro.refs]
1.3 Terms and definitions [intro.defs]
1.4 Implementation compliance [intro.compliance]
1.5 Structure of this International Standard [intro.structure]
1.6 Syntax notation [syntax]
1.7 The C++ memory model [intro.memory]
1.8 The C++ object model [intro.object]
1.9 Program execution [intro.execution]
1.10 Multi-threaded executions and data races [intro.multithread]
1.11 Acknowledgments [intro.ack]
2 Lexical conventions [lex]
3 Basic concepts [basic]
4 Standard conversions [conv]
5 Expressions [expr]
6 Statements [stmt.stmt]
7 Declarations [dcl.dcl]
8 Declarators [dcl.decl]
9 Classes [class]
10 Derived classes [class.derived]
11 Member access control [class.access]
12 Special member functions [special]
13 Overloading [over]
14 Templates [temp]
15 Exception handling [except]
16 Preprocessing directives [cpp]
17 Library introduction [library]
18 Language support library [language.support]
19 Diagnostics library [diagnostics]
20 General utilities library [utilities]
21 Strings library [strings]
22 Localization library [localization]
23 Containers library [containers]
24 Iterators library [iterators]
25 Algorithms library [algorithms]
26 Numerics library [numerics]
27 Input/output library [input.output]
28 Regular expressions library [re]
29 Atomic operations library [atomics]
30 Thread support library [thread]
Annex A (informative) Grammar summary [gram]
Annex B (informative) Implementation quantities [implimits]
Annex C (informative) Compatibility [diff]
Annex D (normative) Compatibility features [depr]
Annex E (normative) Universal character names for identifier characters [charname]
Index [generalindex]
Index of library names [libraryindex]
Index of implementation-defined behavior [impldefindex]

1 General [intro]

1.1 Scope [intro.scope]

1 This International Standard specifies requirements for implementations of the C++ programming language. The first such requirement is that they implement the language, and so this International Standard also defines C++. Other requirements and relaxations of the first requirement appear at various places within this International Standard.
2 C++ is a general purpose programming language based on the C programming language as described in ISO/IEC 9899:1999 Programming languages — C (hereinafter referred to as the C standard). In addition to the facilities provided by C, C++ provides additional data types, classes, templates, exceptions, namespaces, operator overloading, function name overloading, references, free store management operators, and additional library facilities.

1.2 Normative references [intro.refs]

1 The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
  • Ecma International, ECMAScript Language Specification, Standard Ecma-262, third edition, 1999.

  • ISO/IEC 2382 (all parts), Information technology — Vocabulary

  • ISO/IEC 9899:1999, Programming languages — C

  • ISO/IEC 9899:1999/Cor.1:2001(E), Programming languages — C, Technical Corrigendum 1

  • ISO/IEC 9899:1999/Cor.2:2004(E), Programming languages — C, Technical Corrigendum 2

  • ISO/IEC 9899:1999/Cor.3:2007(E), Programming languages — C, Technical Corrigendum 3

  • ISO/IEC 9945:2003, Information Technology — Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX)

  • ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993, Information technology — Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) — Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane

  • ISO/IEC TR 19769:2004, Information technology — Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces — Extensions for the programming language C to support new character data types

2 The library described in Clause 7 of ISO/IEC 9899:1999 and Clause 7 of ISO/IEC 9899:1999/Cor.1:2001 and Clause 7 of ISO/IEC 9899:1999/Cor.2:2003 is hereinafter called the C standard library.[cpp11 1]
3 The library described in ISO/IEC TR 19769:2004 is hereinafter called the C Unicode TR.
4 The operating system interface described in ISO/IEC 9945:2003 is hereinafter called POSIX.
5 The ECMAScript Language Specification described in Standard Ecma-262 is hereinafter called ECMA-262.

1.3 Terms and definitions [intro.defs]

1 For the purposes of this document, the following definitions apply.
2 [definitions] defines additional terms that are used only in Clauses [library] through [thread] and Annex [depr].
3 Terms that are used only in a small portion of this International Standard are defined where they are used and italicized where they are defined.

1.3.1 argument [defns.argument]

actual argument
actual parameter
<function call expression> expression in the comma-separated list bounded by the parentheses

1.3.2 argument [defns.argument.macro]

actual argument
actual parameter
<function-like macro> sequence of preprocessing tokens in the comma-separated list bounded by the parentheses

1.3.3 argument [defns.argument.throw]

actual argument
actual parameter
<throw expression> the operand of throw

1.3.4 argument [defns.argument.templ]

actual argument
actual parameter
<template instantiation> expression, type-id or template-name in the comma-separated list bounded by the angle brackets

1.3.5 conditionally-supported [defns.cond.supp]

program construct that an implementation is not required to support
NoteEach implementation documents all conditionally-supported constructs that it does not support.

1.3.6 diagnostic message [defns.diagnostic]

message belonging to an implementation-defined subset of the implementation's output messages

1.3.7 dynamic type [defns.dynamic.type]

<glvalue> type of the most derived object ([intro.object]) to which the glvalue denoted by a glvalue expression refers
Exampleif a pointer ([dcl.ptr]) p whose static type is “pointer to class B” is pointing to an object of class D, derived from B (Clause [class.derived]), the dynamic type of the expression *p is “D.” References ([dcl.ref]) are treated similarly.

1.3.8 dynamic type [defns.dynamic.type.prvalue]

<prvalue> static type of the prvalue expression

1.3.9 ill-formed program [defns.ill.formed]

program that is not well formed

1.3.10 implementation-defined behavior [defns.impl.defined]

behavior, for a well-formed program construct and correct data, that depends on the implementation and that each implementation documents

1.3.11 implementation limits [defns.impl.limits]

restrictions imposed upon programs by the implementation

1.3.12 locale-specific behavior [defns.locale.specific]

behavior that depends on local conventions of nationality, culture, and language that each implementation documents

1.3.13 multibyte character [defns.multibyte]

sequence of one or more bytes representing a member of the extended character set of either the source or the execution environment
NoteThe extended character set is a superset of the basic character set ([lex.charset]).

1.3.14 parameter [defns.parameter]

formal argument
formal parameter
<function or catch clause> object or reference declared as part of a function declaration or definition or in the catch clause of an exception handler that acquires a value on entry to the function or handler

1.3.15 parameter [defns.parameter.macro]

formal argument
formal parameter
<function-like macro> identifier from the comma-separated list bounded by the parentheses immediately following the macro name

1.3.16 parameter [defns.parameter.templ]

formal argument
formal parameter
<template> template-parameter

1.3.17 signature [defns.signature]

<function> name, parameter type list ([dcl.fct]), and enclosing namespace (if any)
NoteSignatures are used as a basis for name mangling and linking.

1.3.18 signature [defns.signature.templ]

<function template> name, parameter type list ([dcl.fct]), enclosing namespace (if any), return type, and template parameter list

1.3.19 signature [defns.signature.spec]

<function template specialization> signature of the template of which it is a specialization and its template arguments (whether explicitly specified or deduced)

1.3.20 signature [defns.signature.member]

<class member function> name, parameter type list ([dcl.fct]), class of which the function is a member, cv-qualifiers (if any), and ref-qualifier (if any)

1.3.21 signature [defns.signature.member.templ]

<class member function template> name, parameter type list ([dcl.fct]), class of which the function is a member, cv-qualifiers (if any), ref-qualifier (if any), return type, and template parameter list

1.3.22 signature [defns.signature.member.spec]

<class member function template specialization> signature of the member function template of which it is a specialization and its template arguments (whether explicitly specified or deduced)

1.3.23 static type [defns.static.type]

type of an expression ([basic.types]) resulting from analysis of the program without considering execution semantics
NoteThe static type of an expression depends only on the form of the program in which the expression appears, and does not change while the program is executing.

1.3.24 undefined behavior [defns.undefined]

behavior for which this International Standard imposes no requirements
NoteUndefined behavior may be expected when this International Standard omits any explicit definition of behavior or when a program uses an erroneous construct or erroneous data. Permissible undefined behavior ranges from ignoring the situation completely with unpredictable results, to behaving during translation or program execution in a documented manner characteristic of the environment (with or without the issuance of a diagnostic message), to terminating a translation or execution (with the issuance of a diagnostic message). Many erroneous program constructs do not engender undefined behavior; they are required to be diagnosed.

1.3.25 unspecified behavior [defns.unspecified]

behavior, for a well-formed program construct and correct data, that depends on the implementation
NoteThe implementation is not required to document which behavior occurs. The range of possible behaviors is usually delineated by this International Standard.

1.3.26 well-formed program [defns.well.formed]

C++ program constructed according to the syntax rules, diagnosable semantic rules, and the One Definition Rule ([basic.def.odr]).

1.4 Implementation compliance [intro.compliance]

1 The set of diagnosable rules consists of all syntactic and semantic rules in this International Standard except for those rules containing an explicit notation that “no diagnostic is required” or which are described as resulting in “undefined behavior.”
2 Although this International Standard states only requirements on C++ implementations, those requirements are often easier to understand if they are phrased as requirements on programs, parts of programs, or execution of programs. Such requirements have the following meaning:
  • If a program contains no violations of the rules in this International Standard, a conforming implementation shall, within its resource limits, accept and correctly execute[cpp11 2] that program.

  • If a program contains a violation of any diagnosable rule or an occurrence of a construct described in this Standard as “conditionally-supported” when the implementation does not support that construct, a conforming implementation shall issue at least one diagnostic message.

  • If a program contains a violation of a rule for which no diagnostic is required, this International Standard places no requirement on implementations with respect to that program.

3 For classes and class templates, the library Clauses specify partial definitions. Private members (Clause [class.access]) are not specified, but each implementation shall supply them to complete the definitions according to the description in the library Clauses.
4 For functions, function templates, objects, and values, the library Clauses specify declarations. Implementations shall supply definitions consistent with the descriptions in the library Clauses.
5 The names defined in the library have namespace scope ([basic.namespace]). A C++ translation unit ([lex.phases]) obtains access to these names by including the appropriate standard library header ([cpp.include]).
6 The templates, classes, functions, and objects in the library have external linkage ([basic.link]). The implementation provides definitions for standard library entities, as necessary, while combining translation units to form a complete C++ program ([lex.phases]).
7 Two kinds of implementations are defined: a hosted implementation and a freestanding implementation. For a hosted implementation, this International Standard defines the set of available libraries. A freestanding implementation is one in which execution may take place without the benefit of an operating system, and has an implementation-defined set of libraries that includes certain language-support libraries ([compliance]).
8 A conforming implementation may have extensions (including additional library functions), provided they do not alter the behavior of any well-formed program. Implementations are required to diagnose programs that use such extensions that are ill-formed according to this International Standard. Having done so, however, they can compile and execute such programs.
9 Each implementation shall include documentation that identifies all conditionally-supported constructs that it does not support and defines all locale-specific characteristics.[cpp11 3]

1.5 Structure of this International Standard [intro.structure]

1 Clauses [lex] through [cpp] describe the C++ programming language. That description includes detailed syntactic specifications in a form described in [syntax]. For convenience, Annex [gram] repeats all such syntactic specifications.
2 Clauses [language.support] through [thread] and Annex [depr] (the library clauses) describe the Standard C++ library. That description includes detailed descriptions of the templates, classes, functions, constants, and macros that constitute the library, in a form described in Clause [library].
3 Annex [implimits] recommends lower bounds on the capacity of conforming implementations.
4 Annex [diff] summarizes the evolution of C++ since its first published description, and explains in detail the differences between C++ and C. Certain features of C++ exist solely for compatibility purposes; Annex [depr] describes those features.
5 Throughout this International Standard, each example is introduced by “
Example” and terminated by “
”. Each note is introduced by “Note” and terminated by “”. Examples and notes may be nested.

1.6 Syntax notation [syntax]

1 In the syntax notation used in this International Standard, syntactic categories are indicated by italic type, and literal words and characters in constant width type. Alternatives are listed on separate lines except in a few cases where a long set of alternatives is marked by the phrase “one of.” If the text of an alternative is too long to fit on a line, the text is continued on subsequent lines indented from the first one. An optional terminal or non-terminal symbol is indicated by the subscript “opt”, so
Syntax (BNF)

{ expressionopt }

indicates an optional expression enclosed in braces.

2 Names for syntactic categories have generally been chosen according to the following rules:
  • X-id is an identifier with no context-dependent meaning (e.g., qualified-id).

  • X-seq is one or more X's without intervening delimiters (e.g., declaration-seq is a sequence of declarations).

  • X-list is one or more X's separated by intervening commas (e.g., expression-list is a sequence of expressions separated by commas).

1.7 The C++ memory model [intro.memory]

1 The fundamental storage unit in the C++ memory model is the byte. A byte is at least large enough to contain any member of the basic execution character set ([lex.charset]) and the eight-bit code units of the Unicode UTF-8 encoding form and is composed of a contiguous sequence of bits, the number of which is implementation-defined. The least significant bit is called the low-order bit; the most significant bit is called the high-order bit. The memory available to a C++ program consists of one or more sequences of contiguous bytes. Every byte has a unique address.
2 NoteThe representation of types is described in [basic.types].
3 A memory location is either an object of scalar type or a maximal sequence of adjacent bit-fields all having non-zero width. NoteVarious features of the language, such as references and virtual functions, might involve additional memory locations that are not accessible to programs but are managed by the implementation. Two or more threads of execution ([intro.multithread]) can update and access separate memory locations without interfering with each other.
4 NoteThus a bit-field and an adjacent non-bit-field are in separate memory locations, and therefore can be concurrently updated by two threads of execution without interference. The same applies to two bit-fields, if one is declared inside a nested struct declaration and the other is not, or if the two are separated by a zero-length bit-field declaration, or if they are separated by a non-bit-field declaration. It is not safe to concurrently update two bit-fields in the same struct if all fields between them are also bit-fields of non-zero width.
ExampleA structure declared as
struct {
  char a;
  int b:5,
  struct {int ee:8;} e;
contains four separate memory locations: The field a and bit-fields d and e.ee are each separate memory locations, and can be modified concurrently without interfering with each other. The bit-fields b and c together constitute the fourth memory location. The bit-fields b and c cannot be concurrently modified, but b and a, for example, can be.

1.8 The C++ object model [intro.object]

1 The constructs in a C++ program create, destroy, refer to, access, and manipulate objects. An object is a region of storage. NoteA function is not an object, regardless of whether or not it occupies storage in the way that objects do. An object is created by a definition ([basic.def]), by a new-expression ([expr.new]) or by the implementation ([class.temporary]) when needed. The properties of an object are determined when the object is created. An object can have a name (Clause [basic]). An object has a storage duration ([basic.stc]) which influences its lifetime ([basic.life]). An object has a type ([basic.types]). The term object type refers to the type with which the object is created. Some objects are polymorphic ([class.virtual]); the implementation generates information associated with each such object that makes it possible to determine that object's type during program execution. For other objects, the interpretation of the values found therein is determined by the type of the expressions (Clause [expr]) used to access them.
2 Objects can contain other objects, called subobjects. A subobject can be a member subobject ([class.mem]), a base class subobject (Clause [class.derived]), or an array element. An object that is not a subobject of any other object is called a complete object.
3 For every object x, there is some object called the complete object of x, determined as follows:
  • If x is a complete object, then x is the complete object of x.

  • Otherwise, the complete object of x is the complete object of the (unique) object that contains x.

4 If a complete object, a data member ([class.mem]), or an array element is of class type, its type is considered the most derived class, to distinguish it from the class type of any base class subobject; an object of a most derived class type or of a non-class type is called a most derived object.
5 Unless it is a bit-field ([class.bit]), a most derived object shall have a non-zero size and shall occupy one or more bytes of storage. Base class subobjects may have zero size. An object of trivially copyable or standard-layout type ([basic.types]) shall occupy contiguous bytes of storage.
6 Unless an object is a bit-field or a base class subobject of zero size, the address of that object is the address of the first byte it occupies. Two objects that are not bit-fields may have the same address if one is a subobject of the other, or if at least one is a base class subobject of zero size and they are of different types; otherwise, they shall have distinct addresses.[cpp11 4]
static const char test1 = 'x';
static const char test2 = 'x';
const bool b = &test1 != &test2;      // always true
7 NoteC++ provides a variety of fundamental types and several ways of composing new types from existing types ([basic.types]).

1.9 Program execution [intro.execution]

1 The semantic descriptions in this International Standard define a parameterized nondeterministic abstract machine. This International Standard places no requirement on the structure of conforming implementations. In particular, they need not copy or emulate the structure of the abstract machine. Rather, conforming implementations are required to emulate (only) the observable behavior of the abstract machine as explained below.[cpp11 5]
2 Certain aspects and operations of the abstract machine are described in this International Standard as implementation-defined (for example, sizeof(int)). These constitute the parameters of the abstract machine. Each implementation shall include documentation describing its characteristics and behavior in these respects.[cpp11 6] Such documentation shall define the instance of the abstract machine that corresponds to that implementation (referred to as the “corresponding instance” below).
3 Certain other aspects and operations of the abstract machine are described in this International Standard as unspecified (for example, order of evaluation of arguments to a function). Where possible, this International Standard defines a set of allowable behaviors. These define the nondeterministic aspects of the abstract machine. An instance of the abstract machine can thus have more than one possible execution for a given program and a given input.
4 Certain other operations are described in this International Standard as undefined (for example, the effect of attempting to modify a const object). NoteThis International Standard imposes no requirements on the behavior of programs that contain undefined behavior.
5 A conforming implementation executing a well-formed program shall produce the same observable behavior as one of the possible executions of the corresponding instance of the abstract machine with the same program and the same input. However, if any such execution contains an undefined operation, this International Standard places no requirement on the implementation executing that program with that input (not even with regard to operations preceding the first undefined operation).
6 When the processing of the abstract machine is interrupted by receipt of a signal, the values of objects which are neither
  • of type volatile std::sig_atomic_t nor

  • lock-free atomic objects ([atomics.lockfree])

    are unspecified during the execution of the signal handler, and the value of any object not in either of these two categories that is modified by the handler becomes undefined.

7 An instance of each object with automatic storage duration ([basic.stc.auto]) is associated with each entry into its block. Such an object exists and retains its last-stored value during the execution of the block and while the block is suspended (by a call of a function or receipt of a signal).
8 The least requirements on a conforming implementation are:
  • Access to volatile objects are evaluated strictly according to the rules of the abstract machine.

  • At program termination, all data written into files shall be identical to one of the possible results that execution of the program according to the abstract semantics would have produced.

  • The input and output dynamics of interactive devices shall take place in such a fashion that prompting output is actually delivered before a program waits for input. What constitutes an interactive device is implementation-defined.

    These collectively are referred to as the observable behavior of the program. NoteMore stringent correspondences between abstract and actual semantics may be defined by each implementation.

NoteOperators can be regrouped according to the usual mathematical rules only where the operators really are associative or commutative.[cpp11 7] For example, in the following fragment
int a, b;
a = a + 32760 + b + 5;

the expression statement behaves exactly the same as

a = (((a + 32760) + b) + 5);

due to the associativity and precedence of these operators. Thus, the result of the sum (a + 32760) is next added to b, and that result is then added to 5 which results in the value assigned to a. On a machine in which overflows produce an exception and in which the range of values representable by an int is [-32768,+32767], the implementation cannot rewrite this expression as

a = ((a + b) + 32765);

since if the values for a and b were, respectively, -32754 and -15, the sum a + b would produce an exception while the original expression would not; nor can the expression be rewritten either as

a = ((a + 32765) + b);


a = (a + (b + 32765));
since the values for a and b might have been, respectively, 4 and -8 or -17 and 12. However on a machine in which overflows do not produce an exception and in which the results of overflows are reversible, the above expression statement can be rewritten by the implementation in any of the above ways because the same result will occur.
10 A full-expression is an expression that is not a subexpression of another expression. If a language construct is defined to produce an implicit call of a function, a use of the language construct is considered to be an expression for the purposes of this definition. A call to a destructor generated at the end of the lifetime of an object other than a temporary object is an implicit full-expression. Conversions applied to the result of an expression in order to satisfy the requirements of the language construct in which the expression appears are also considered to be part of the full-expression.
struct S {
  S(int i): I(i) { }
  int& v() { return I; }
  int I;

 S s1(1);           // full-expression is call of S::S(int)
 S s2 = 2;          // full-expression is call of S::S(int)

void f() {
  if (S(3).v())     // full-expression includes lvalue-to-rvalue and
                    // int to bool conversions, performed before
                    // temporary is deleted at end of full-expression
  { }
11 NoteThe evaluation of a full-expression can include the evaluation of subexpressions that are not lexically part of the full-expression. For example, subexpressions involved in evaluating default arguments ([dcl.fct.default]) are considered to be created in the expression that calls the function, not the expression that defines the default argument.
12 Accessing an object designated by a volatile glvalue ([basic.lval]), modifying an object, calling a library I/O function, or calling a function that does any of those operations are all side effects, which are changes in the state of the execution environment. Evaluation of an expression (or a sub-expression) in general includes both value computations (including determining the identity of an object for glvalue evaluation and fetching a value previously assigned to an object for prvalue evaluation) and initiation of side effects. When a call to a library I/O function returns or an access to a volatile object is evaluated the side effect is considered complete, even though some external actions implied by the call (such as the I/O itself) or by the volatile access may not have completed yet.
13 Sequenced before is an asymmetric, transitive, pair-wise relation between evaluations executed by a single thread ([intro.multithread]), which induces a partial order among those evaluations. Given any two evaluations A and B, if A is sequenced before B, then the execution of A shall precede the execution of B. If A is not sequenced before B and B is not sequenced before A, then A and B are unsequenced. NoteThe execution of unsequenced evaluations can overlap. Evaluations A and B are indeterminately sequenced when either A is sequenced before B or B is sequenced before A, but it is unspecified which. NoteIndeterminately sequenced evaluations cannot overlap, but either could be executed first.
14 Every value computation and side effect associated with a full-expression is sequenced before every value computation and side effect associated with the next full-expression to be evaluated.[cpp11 8].
15 Except where noted, evaluations of operands of individual operators and of subexpressions of individual expressions are unsequenced. NoteIn an expression that is evaluated more than once during the execution of a program, unsequenced and indeterminately sequenced evaluations of its subexpressions need not be performed consistently in different evaluations. The value computations of the operands of an operator are sequenced before the value computation of the result of the operator. If a side effect on a scalar object is unsequenced relative to either another side effect on the same scalar object or a value computation using the value of the same scalar object, the behavior is undefined.
void f(int, int);
void g(int i, int* v) {
  i = v[i++];         // the behavior is undefined
  i = 7, i++, i++;    // i becomes 9

  i = i++ + 1;        // the behavior is undefined
  i = i + 1;          // the value of i is incremented

  f(i = -1, i = -1);  // the behavior is undefined
When calling a function (whether or not the function is inline), every value computation and side effect associated with any argument expression, or with the postfix expression designating the called function, is sequenced before execution of every expression or statement in the body of the called function. NoteValue computations and side effects associated with different argument expressions are unsequenced. Every evaluation in the calling function (including other function calls) that is not otherwise specifically sequenced before or after the execution of the body of the called function is indeterminately sequenced with respect to the execution of the called function.[cpp11 9] Several contexts in C++ cause evaluation of a function call, even though no corresponding function call syntax appears in the translation unit.
ExampleEvaluation of a new expression invokes one or more allocation and constructor functions; see [expr.new]. For another example, invocation of a conversion function ([class.conv.fct]) can arise in contexts in which no function call syntax appears.
The sequencing constraints on the execution of the called function (as described above) are features of the function calls as evaluated, whatever the syntax of the expression that calls the function might be.

1.10 Multi-threaded executions and data races [intro.multithread]

1 A thread of execution (also known as a thread) is a single flow of control within a program, including the initial invocation of a specific top-level function, and recursively including every function invocation subsequently executed by the thread. NoteWhen one thread creates another, the initial call to the top-level function of the new thread is executed by the new thread, not by the creating thread. Every thread in a program can potentially access every object and function in a program.[cpp11 10] Under a hosted implementation, a C++ program can have more than one thread running concurrently. The execution of each thread proceeds as defined by the remainder of this standard. The execution of the entire program consists of an execution of all of its threads. NoteUsually the execution can be viewed as an interleaving of all its threads. However, some kinds of atomic operations, for example, allow executions inconsistent with a simple interleaving, as described below. Under a freestanding implementation, it is implementation-defined whether a program can have more than one thread of execution.
2 Implementations should ensure that all unblocked threads eventually make progress. NoteStandard library functions may silently block on I/O or locks. Factors in the execution environment, including externally-imposed thread priorities, may prevent an implementation from making certain guarantees of forward progress.
3 The value of an object visible to a thread T at a particular point is the initial value of the object, a value assigned to the object by T, or a value assigned to the object by another thread, according to the rules below. NoteIn some cases, there may instead be undefined behavior. Much of this section is motivated by the desire to support atomic operations with explicit and detailed visibility constraints. However, it also implicitly supports a simpler view for more restricted programs.
4 Two expression evaluations conflict if one of them modifies a memory location ([intro.memory]) and the other one accesses or modifies the same memory location.
5 The library defines a number of atomic operations (Clause [atomics]) and operations on mutexes (Clause [thread]) that are specially identified as synchronization operations. These operations play a special role in making assignments in one thread visible to another. A synchronization operation on one or more memory locations is either a consume operation, an acquire operation, a release operation, or both an acquire and release operation. A synchronization operation without an associated memory location is a fence and can be either an acquire fence, a release fence, or both an acquire and release fence. In addition, there are relaxed atomic operations, which are not synchronization operations, and atomic read-modify-write operations, which have special characteristics. NoteFor example, a call that acquires a mutex will perform an acquire operation on the locations comprising the mutex. Correspondingly, a call that releases the same mutex will perform a release operation on those same locations. Informally, performing a release operation on A forces prior side effects on other memory locations to become visible to other threads that later perform a consume or an acquire operation on A. “Relaxed” atomic operations are not synchronization operations even though, like synchronization operations, they cannot contribute to data races.
6 All modifications to a particular atomic object M occur in some particular total order, called the modification order of M. If A and B are modifications of an atomic object M and A happens before (as defined below) B, then A shall precede B in the modification order of M, which is defined below. NoteThis states that the modification orders must respect the “happens before” relationship. NoteThere is a separate order for each atomic object. There is no requirement that these can be combined into a single total order for all objects. In general this will be impossible since different threads may observe modifications to different objects in inconsistent orders.
7 A release sequence headed by a release operation A on an atomic object M is a maximal contiguous sub-sequence of side effects in the modification order of M, where the first operation is A, and every subsequent operation
  • is performed by the same thread that performed A, or

  • is an atomic read-modify-write operation.

8 Certain library calls synchronize with other library calls performed by another thread. For example, an atomic store-release synchronizes with a load-acquire that takes its value from the store ([atomics.order]). NoteExcept in the specified cases, reading a later value does not necessarily ensure visibility as described below. Such a requirement would sometimes interfere with efficient implementation. NoteThe specifications of the synchronization operations define when one reads the value written by another. For atomic objects, the definition is clear. All operations on a given mutex occur in a single total order. Each mutex acquisition “reads the value written” by the last mutex release.
9 An evaluation A carries a dependency to an evaluation B if
  • the value of A is used as an operand of B, unless:

  • B is an invocation of any specialization of std::kill_dependency ([atomics.order]), or

  • A is the left operand of a conditional (?:, see [expr.cond]) operator, or

  • A is the left operand of the built-in comma (,) operator ([expr.comma]);


  • A writes a scalar object or bit-field M, B reads the value written by A from M, and A is sequenced before B, or

  • for some evaluation X, A carries a dependency to X, and X carries a dependency to B.

    Note“Carries a dependency to” is a subset of “is sequenced before”, and is similarly strictly intra-thread.

10 An evaluation A is dependency-ordered before an evaluation B if
  • A performs a release operation on an atomic object M, and, in another thread, B performs a consume operation on M and reads a value written by any side effect in the release sequence headed by A, or

  • for some evaluation X, A is dependency-ordered before X and X carries a dependency to B.

    NoteThe relation “is dependency-ordered before” is analogous to “synchronizes with”, but uses release/consume in place of release/acquire.

11 An evaluation A inter-thread happens before an evaluation B if
  • A synchronizes with B, or

  • A is dependency-ordered before B, or

  • for some evaluation X

  • A synchronizes with X and X is sequenced before B, or

  • A is sequenced before X and X inter-thread happens before B, or

  • A inter-thread happens before X and X inter-thread happens before B.

    NoteThe “inter-thread happens before” relation describes arbitrary concatenations of “sequenced before”, “synchronizes with” and “dependency-ordered before” relationships, with two exceptions. The first exception is that a concatenation is not permitted to end with “dependency-ordered before” followed by “sequenced before”. The reason for this limitation is that a consume operation participating in a “dependency-ordered before” relationship provides ordering only with respect to operations to which this consume operation actually carries a dependency. The reason that this limitation applies only to the end of such a concatenation is that any subsequent release operation will provide the required ordering for a prior consume operation. The second exception is that a concatenation is not permitted to consist entirely of “sequenced before”. The reasons for this limitation are (1) to permit “inter-thread happens before” to be transitively closed and (2) the “happens before” relation, defined below, provides for relationships consisting entirely of “sequenced before”.

12 An evaluation A happens before an evaluation B if:
  • A is sequenced before B, or

  • A inter-thread happens before B.

    The implementation shall ensure that no program execution demonstrates a cycle in the “happens before” relation. NoteThis cycle would otherwise be possible only through the use of consume operations.

13 A visible side effect A on a scalar object or bit-field M with respect to a value computation B of M satisfies the conditions:
  • A happens before B and

  • there is no other side effect X to M such that A happens before X and X happens before B.

    The value of a non-atomic scalar object or bit-field M, as determined by evaluation B, shall be the value stored by the visible side effect A. NoteIf there is ambiguity about which side effect to a non-atomic object or bit-field is visible, then the behavior is either unspecified or undefined. NoteThis states that operations on ordinary objects are not visibly reordered. This is not actually detectable without data races, but it is necessary to ensure that data races, as defined below, and with suitable restrictions on the use of atomics, correspond to data races in a simple interleaved (sequentially consistent) execution.

14 The visible sequence of side effects on an atomic object M, with respect to a value computation B of M, is a maximal contiguous sub-sequence of side effects in the modification order of M, where the first side effect is visible with respect to B, and for every side effect, it is not the case that B happens before it. The value of an atomic object M, as determined by evaluation B, shall be the value stored by some operation in the visible sequence of M with respect to B. NoteIt can be shown that the visible sequence of side effects of a value computation is unique given the coherence requirements below.
15 If an operation A that modifies an atomic object M happens before an operation B that modifies M, then A shall be earlier than B in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as write-write coherence.
16 If a value computation A of an atomic object M happens before a value computation B of M, and A takes its value from a side effect X on M, then the value computed by B shall either be the value stored by X or the value stored by a side effect Y on M, where Y follows X in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as read-read coherence.
17 If a value computation A of an atomic object M happens before an operation B on M, then A shall take its value from a side effect X on M, where X precedes B in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as read-write coherence.
18 If a side effect X on an atomic object M happens before a value computation B of M, then the evaluation B shall take its value from X or from a side effect Y that follows X in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as write-read coherence.
19 NoteThe four preceding coherence requirements effectively disallow compiler reordering of atomic operations to a single object, even if both operations are relaxed loads. This effectively makes the cache coherence guarantee provided by most hardware available to C++ atomic operations.
20 NoteThe visible sequence of side effects depends on the “happens before” relation, which depends on the values observed by loads of atomics, which we are restricting here. The intended reading is that there must exist an association of atomic loads with modifications they observe that, together with suitably chosen modification orders and the “happens before” relation derived as described above, satisfy the resulting constraints as imposed here.
21 The execution of a program contains a data race if it contains two conflicting actions in different threads, at least one of which is not atomic, and neither happens before the other. Any such data race results in undefined behavior. NoteIt can be shown that programs that correctly use mutexes and memory_order_seq_cst operations to prevent all data races and use no other synchronization operations behave as if the operations executed by their constituent threads were simply interleaved, with each value computation of an object being taken from the last side effect on that object in that interleaving. This is normally referred to as “sequential consistency”. However, this applies only to data-race-free programs, and data-race-free programs cannot observe most program transformations that do not change single-threaded program semantics. In fact, most single-threaded program transformations continue to be allowed, since any program that behaves differently as a result must perform an undefined operation.
22 NoteCompiler transformations that introduce assignments to a potentially shared memory location that would not be modified by the abstract machine are generally precluded by this standard, since such an assignment might overwrite another assignment by a different thread in cases in which an abstract machine execution would not have encountered a data race. This includes implementations of data member assignment that overwrite adjacent members in separate memory locations. Reordering of atomic loads in cases in which the atomics in question may alias is also generally precluded, since this may violate the “visible sequence” rules.
23 NoteTransformations that introduce a speculative read of a potentially shared memory location may not preserve the semantics of the C++ program as defined in this standard, since they potentially introduce a data race. However, they are typically valid in the context of an optimizing compiler that targets a specific machine with well-defined semantics for data races. They would be invalid for a hypothetical machine that is not tolerant of races or provides hardware race detection.
24 The implementation may assume that any thread will eventually do one of the following:
  • terminate,

  • make a call to a library I/O function,

  • access or modify a volatile object, or

  • perform a synchronization operation or an atomic operation.

    NoteThis is intended to allow compiler transformations such as removal of empty loops, even when termination cannot be proven.

25 An implementation should ensure that the last value (in modification order) assigned by an atomic or synchronization operation will become visible to all other threads in a finite period of time.

1.11 Acknowledgments [intro.ack]

1 A thread of execution (also known as a thread) is a single flow of control within a program, including the initial invocation of a specific top-level function, and recursively including every function invocation subsequently executed by the thread. NoteWhen one thread creates another, the initial call to the top-level function of the new thread is executed by the new thread, not by the creating thread. Every thread in a program can potentially access every object and function in a program.[cpp11 10] Under a hosted implementation, a C++ program can have more than one thread running concurrently. The execution of each thread proceeds as defined by the remainder of this standard. The execution of the entire program consists of an execution of all of its threads. NoteUsually the execution can be viewed as an interleaving of all its threads. However, some kinds of atomic operations, for example, allow executions inconsistent with a simple interleaving, as described below. Under a freestanding implementation, it is implementation-defined whether a program can have more than one thread of execution.
2 Implementations should ensure that all unblocked threads eventually make progress. NoteStandard library functions may silently block on I/O or locks. Factors in the execution environment, including externally-imposed thread priorities, may prevent an implementation from making certain guarantees of forward progress.
3 The value of an object visible to a thread T at a particular point is the initial value of the object, a value assigned to the object by T, or a value assigned to the object by another thread, according to the rules below. NoteIn some cases, there may instead be undefined behavior. Much of this section is motivated by the desire to support atomic operations with explicit and detailed visibility constraints. However, it also implicitly supports a simpler view for more restricted programs.
4 Two expression evaluations conflict if one of them modifies a memory location ([intro.memory]) and the other one accesses or modifies the same memory location.
5 The library defines a number of atomic operations (Clause [atomics]) and operations on mutexes (Clause [thread]) that are specially identified as synchronization operations. These operations play a special role in making assignments in one thread visible to another. A synchronization operation on one or more memory locations is either a consume operation, an acquire operation, a release operation, or both an acquire and release operation. A synchronization operation without an associated memory location is a fence and can be either an acquire fence, a release fence, or both an acquire and release fence. In addition, there are relaxed atomic operations, which are not synchronization operations, and atomic read-modify-write operations, which have special characteristics. NoteFor example, a call that acquires a mutex will perform an acquire operation on the locations comprising the mutex. Correspondingly, a call that releases the same mutex will perform a release operation on those same locations. Informally, performing a release operation on A forces prior side effects on other memory locations to become visible to other threads that later perform a consume or an acquire operation on A. “Relaxed” atomic operations are not synchronization operations even though, like synchronization operations, they cannot contribute to data races.
6 All modifications to a particular atomic object M occur in some particular total order, called the modification order of M. If A and B are modifications of an atomic object M and A happens before (as defined below) B, then A shall precede B in the modification order of M, which is defined below. NoteThis states that the modification orders must respect the “happens before” relationship. NoteThere is a separate order for each atomic object. There is no requirement that these can be combined into a single total order for all objects. In general this will be impossible since different threads may observe modifications to different objects in inconsistent orders.
7 A release sequence headed by a release operation A on an atomic object M is a maximal contiguous sub-sequence of side effects in the modification order of M, where the first operation is A, and every subsequent operation
  • is performed by the same thread that performed A, or

  • is an atomic read-modify-write operation.

8 Certain library calls synchronize with other library calls performed by another thread. For example, an atomic store-release synchronizes with a load-acquire that takes its value from the store ([atomics.order]). NoteExcept in the specified cases, reading a later value does not necessarily ensure visibility as described below. Such a requirement would sometimes interfere with efficient implementation. NoteThe specifications of the synchronization operations define when one reads the value written by another. For atomic objects, the definition is clear. All operations on a given mutex occur in a single total order. Each mutex acquisition “reads the value written” by the last mutex release.
9 An evaluation A carries a dependency to an evaluation B if
  • the value of A is used as an operand of B, unless:

  • B is an invocation of any specialization of std::kill_dependency ([atomics.order]), or

  • A is the left operand of a conditional (?:, see [expr.cond]) operator, or

  • A is the left operand of the built-in comma (,) operator ([expr.comma]);


  • A writes a scalar object or bit-field M, B reads the value written by A from M, and A is sequenced before B, or

  • for some evaluation X, A carries a dependency to X, and X carries a dependency to B.

    Note“Carries a dependency to” is a subset of “is sequenced before”, and is similarly strictly intra-thread.

10 An evaluation A is dependency-ordered before an evaluation B if
  • A performs a release operation on an atomic object M, and, in another thread, B performs a consume operation on M and reads a value written by any side effect in the release sequence headed by A, or

  • for some evaluation X, A is dependency-ordered before X and X carries a dependency to B.

    NoteThe relation “is dependency-ordered before” is analogous to “synchronizes with”, but uses release/consume in place of release/acquire.

11 An evaluation A inter-thread happens before an evaluation B if
  • A synchronizes with B, or

  • A is dependency-ordered before B, or

  • for some evaluation X

  • A synchronizes with X and X is sequenced before B, or

  • A is sequenced before X and X inter-thread happens before B, or

  • A inter-thread happens before X and X inter-thread happens before B.

    NoteThe “inter-thread happens before” relation describes arbitrary concatenations of “sequenced before”, “synchronizes with” and “dependency-ordered before” relationships, with two exceptions. The first exception is that a concatenation is not permitted to end with “dependency-ordered before” followed by “sequenced before”. The reason for this limitation is that a consume operation participating in a “dependency-ordered before” relationship provides ordering only with respect to operations to which this consume operation actually carries a dependency. The reason that this limitation applies only to the end of such a concatenation is that any subsequent release operation will provide the required ordering for a prior consume operation. The second exception is that a concatenation is not permitted to consist entirely of “sequenced before”. The reasons for this limitation are (1) to permit “inter-thread happens before” to be transitively closed and (2) the “happens before” relation, defined below, provides for relationships consisting entirely of “sequenced before”.

12 An evaluation A happens before an evaluation B if:
  • A is sequenced before B, or

  • A inter-thread happens before B.

    The implementation shall ensure that no program execution demonstrates a cycle in the “happens before” relation. NoteThis cycle would otherwise be possible only through the use of consume operations.

13 A visible side effect A on a scalar object or bit-field M with respect to a value computation B of M satisfies the conditions:
  • A happens before B and

  • there is no other side effect X to M such that A happens before X and X happens before B.

    The value of a non-atomic scalar object or bit-field M, as determined by evaluation B, shall be the value stored by the visible side effect A. NoteIf there is ambiguity about which side effect to a non-atomic object or bit-field is visible, then the behavior is either unspecified or undefined. NoteThis states that operations on ordinary objects are not visibly reordered. This is not actually detectable without data races, but it is necessary to ensure that data races, as defined below, and with suitable restrictions on the use of atomics, correspond to data races in a simple interleaved (sequentially consistent) execution.

14 The visible sequence of side effects on an atomic object M, with respect to a value computation B of M, is a maximal contiguous sub-sequence of side effects in the modification order of M, where the first side effect is visible with respect to B, and for every side effect, it is not the case that B happens before it. The value of an atomic object M, as determined by evaluation B, shall be the value stored by some operation in the visible sequence of M with respect to B. NoteIt can be shown that the visible sequence of side effects of a value computation is unique given the coherence requirements below.
15 If an operation A that modifies an atomic object M happens before an operation B that modifies M, then A shall be earlier than B in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as write-write coherence.
16 If a value computation A of an atomic object M happens before a value computation B of M, and A takes its value from a side effect X on M, then the value computed by B shall either be the value stored by X or the value stored by a side effect Y on M, where Y follows X in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as read-read coherence.
17 If a value computation A of an atomic object M happens before an operation B on M, then A shall take its value from a side effect X on M, where X precedes B in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as read-write coherence.
18 If a side effect X on an atomic object M happens before a value computation B of M, then the evaluation B shall take its value from X or from a side effect Y that follows X in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as write-read coherence.
19 NoteThe four preceding coherence requirements effectively disallow compiler reordering of atomic operations to a single object, even if both operations are relaxed loads. This effectively makes the cache coherence guarantee provided by most hardware available to C++ atomic operations.
20 NoteThe visible sequence of side effects depends on the “happens before” relation, which depends on the values observed by loads of atomics, which we are restricting here. The intended reading is that there must exist an association of atomic loads with modifications they observe that, together with suitably chosen modification orders and the “happens before” relation derived as described above, satisfy the resulting constraints as imposed here.
21 The execution of a program contains a data race if it contains two conflicting actions in different threads, at least one of which is not atomic, and neither happens before the other. Any such data race results in undefined behavior. NoteIt can be shown that programs that correctly use mutexes and memory_order_seq_cst operations to prevent all data races and use no other synchronization operations behave as if the operations executed by their constituent threads were simply interleaved, with each value computation of an object being taken from the last side effect on that object in that interleaving. This is normally referred to as “sequential consistency”. However, this applies only to data-race-free programs, and data-race-free programs cannot observe most program transformations that do not change single-threaded program semantics. In fact, most single-threaded program transformations continue to be allowed, since any program that behaves differently as a result must perform an undefined operation.
22 NoteCompiler transformations that introduce assignments to a potentially shared memory location that would not be modified by the abstract machine are generally precluded by this standard, since such an assignment might overwrite another assignment by a different thread in cases in which an abstract machine execution would not have encountered a data race. This includes implementations of data member assignment that overwrite adjacent members in separate memory locations. Reordering of atomic loads in cases in which the atomics in question may alias is also generally precluded, since this may violate the “visible sequence” rules.
23 NoteTransformations that introduce a speculative read of a potentially shared memory location may not preserve the semantics of the C++ program as defined in this standard, since they potentially introduce a data race. However, they are typically valid in the context of an optimizing compiler that targets a specific machine with well-defined semantics for data races. They would be invalid for a hypothetical machine that is not tolerant of races or provides hardware race detection.
24 The implementation may assume that any thread will eventually do one of the following:
  • terminate,

  • make a call to a library I/O function,

  • access or modify a volatile object, or

  • perform a synchronization operation or an atomic operation.

    NoteThis is intended to allow compiler transformations such as removal of empty loops, even when termination cannot be proven.

25 An implementation should ensure that the last value (in modification order) assigned by an atomic or synchronization operation will become visible to all other threads in a finite period of time.

  1. With the qualifications noted in Clauses [language.support] through [thread] and in [diff.library], the C standard library is a subset of the C++ standard library.
  2. “Correct execution” can include undefined behavior, depending on the data being processed; see [intro.defs] and [intro.execution].
  3. This documentation also defines implementation-defined behavior; see [intro.execution].
  4. Under the “as-if” rule an implementation is allowed to store two objects at the same machine address or not store an object at all if the program cannot observe the difference ([intro.execution]).
  5. This provision is sometimes called the “as-if” rule, because an implementation is free to disregard any requirement of this International Standard as long as the result is as if the requirement had been obeyed, as far as can be determined from the observable behavior of the program. For instance, an actual implementation need not evaluate part of an expression if it can deduce that its value is not used and that no side effects affecting the observable behavior of the program are produced.
  6. This documentation also includes conditionally-supported constructs and locale-specific behavior. See [intro.compliance].
  7. Overloaded operators are never assumed to be associative or commutative.
  8. As specified in [class.temporary], after a full-expression is evaluated, a sequence of zero or more invocations of destructor functions for temporary objects takes place, usually in reverse order of the construction of each temporary object.
  9. In other words, function executions do not interleave with each other.
  10. 10.0 10.1 An object with automatic or thread storage duration ([basic.stc]) is associated with one specific thread, and can be accessed by a different thread only indirectly through a pointer or reference ([basic.compound]).


Source: https://timsong-cpp.github.io/cppwp/n4140/intro

List of Tables [tab]
List of Figures [fig]
1 General [intro]
1.1 Scope [intro.scope]
1.2 Normative references [intro.refs]
1.3 Terms and definitions [intro.defs]
1.4 Implementation compliance [intro.compliance]
1.5 Structure of this International Standard [intro.structure]
1.6 Syntax notation [syntax]
1.7 The C++ memory model [intro.memory]
1.8 The C++ object model [intro.object]
1.9 Program execution [intro.execution]
1.10 Multi-threaded executions and data races [intro.multithread]
1.11 Acknowledgments [intro.ack]
2 Lexical conventions [lex]
3 Basic concepts [basic]
4 Standard conversions [conv]
5 Expressions [expr]
6 Statements [stmt.stmt]
7 Declarations [dcl.dcl]
8 Declarators [dcl.decl]
9 Classes [class]
10 Derived classes [class.derived]
11 Member access control [class.access]
12 Special member functions [special]
13 Overloading [over]
14 Templates [temp]
15 Exception handling [except]
16 Preprocessing directives [cpp]
17 Library introduction [library]
18 Language support library [language.support]
19 Diagnostics library [diagnostics]
20 General utilities library [utilities]
21 Strings library [strings]
22 Localization library [localization]
23 Containers library [containers]
24 Iterators library [iterators]
25 Algorithms library [algorithms]
26 Numerics library [numerics]
27 Input/output library [input.output]
28 Regular expressions library [re]
29 Atomic operations library [atomics]
30 Thread support library [thread]
Annex A (informative) Grammar summary [gram]
Annex B (informative) Implementation quantities [implimits]
Annex C (informative) Compatibility [diff]
Annex D (normative) Compatibility features [depr]
Annex E (normative) Universal character names for identifier characters [charname]
Index [generalindex]
Index of library names [libraryindex]
Index of implementation-defined behavior [impldefindex]

1 General [intro]

1.1 Scope [intro.scope]

1 This International Standard specifies requirements for implementations of the C++ programming language. The first such requirement is that they implement the language, and so this International Standard also defines C++. Other requirements and relaxations of the first requirement appear at various places within this International Standard.
2 C++ is a general purpose programming language based on the C programming language as described in ISO/IEC 9899:1999 Programming languages — C (hereinafter referred to as the C standard). In addition to the facilities provided by C, C++ provides additional data types, classes, templates, exceptions, namespaces, operator overloading, function name overloading, references, free store management operators, and additional library facilities.

1.2 Normative references [intro.refs]

1 The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
  • Ecma International, ECMAScript Language Specification, Standard Ecma-262, third edition, 1999.

  • ISO/IEC 2382 (all parts), Information technology — Vocabulary

  • ISO/IEC 9899:1999, Programming languages — C

  • ISO/IEC 9899:1999/Cor.1:2001(E), Programming languages — C, Technical Corrigendum 1

  • ISO/IEC 9899:1999/Cor.2:2004(E), Programming languages — C, Technical Corrigendum 2

  • ISO/IEC 9899:1999/Cor.3:2007(E), Programming languages — C, Technical Corrigendum 3

  • ISO/IEC 9945:2003, Information Technology — Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX)

  • ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993, Information technology — Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) — Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane

  • ISO/IEC TR 19769:2004, Information technology — Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces — Extensions for the programming language C to support new character data types

2 The library described in Clause 7 of ISO/IEC 9899:1999 and Clause 7 of ISO/IEC 9899:1999/Cor.1:2001 and Clause 7 of ISO/IEC 9899:1999/Cor.2:2003 is hereinafter called the C standard library.[cpp14 1]
3 The library described in ISO/IEC TR 19769:2004 is hereinafter called the C Unicode TR.
4 The operating system interface described in ISO/IEC 9945:2003 is hereinafter called POSIX.
5 The ECMAScript Language Specification described in Standard Ecma-262 is hereinafter called ECMA-262.

1.3 Terms and definitions [intro.defs]

1 For the purposes of this document, the following definitions apply.
2 [definitions] defines additional terms that are used only in Clauses [library] through [thread] and Annex [depr].
3 Terms that are used only in a small portion of this International Standard are defined where they are used and italicized where they are defined.

1.3.1 argument [defns.argument]

<function call expression> expression in the comma-separated list bounded by the parentheses

1.3.2 argument [defns.argument.macro]

<function-like macro> sequence of preprocessing tokens in the comma-separated list bounded by the parentheses

1.3.3 argument [defns.argument.throw]

<throw expression> the operand of throw

1.3.4 argument [defns.argument.templ]

<template instantiation> expression, type-id or template-name in the comma-separated list bounded by the angle brackets

1.3.5 conditionally-supported [defns.cond.supp]

program construct that an implementation is not required to support
NoteEach implementation documents all conditionally-supported constructs that it does not support.

1.3.6 diagnostic message [defns.diagnostic]

message belonging to an implementation-defined subset of the implementation's output messages

1.3.7 dynamic type [defns.dynamic.type]

<glvalue> type of the most derived object ([intro.object]) to which the glvalue denoted by a glvalue expression refers
Exampleif a pointer ([dcl.ptr]) p whose static type is “pointer to class B” is pointing to an object of class D, derived from B (Clause [class.derived]), the dynamic type of the expression *p is “D.” References ([dcl.ref]) are treated similarly.

1.3.8 dynamic type [defns.dynamic.type.prvalue]

<prvalue> static type of the prvalue expression

1.3.9 ill-formed program [defns.ill.formed]

program that is not well formed

1.3.10 implementation-defined behavior [defns.impl.defined]

behavior, for a well-formed program construct and correct data, that depends on the implementation and that each implementation documents

1.3.11 implementation limits [defns.impl.limits]

restrictions imposed upon programs by the implementation

1.3.12 locale-specific behavior [defns.locale.specific]

behavior that depends on local conventions of nationality, culture, and language that each implementation documents

1.3.13 multibyte character [defns.multibyte]

sequence of one or more bytes representing a member of the extended character set of either the source or the execution environment
NoteThe extended character set is a superset of the basic character set ([lex.charset]).

1.3.14 parameter [defns.parameter]

<function or catch clause> object or reference declared as part of a function declaration or definition or in the catch clause of an exception handler that acquires a value on entry to the function or handler

1.3.15 parameter [defns.parameter.macro]

<function-like macro> identifier from the comma-separated list bounded by the parentheses immediately following the macro name

1.3.16 parameter [defns.parameter.templ]

<template> template-parameter

1.3.17 signature [defns.signature]

<function> name, parameter type list ([dcl.fct]), and enclosing namespace (if any)
NoteSignatures are used as a basis for name mangling and linking.

1.3.18 signature [defns.signature.templ]

<function template> name, parameter type list ([dcl.fct]), enclosing namespace (if any), return type, and template parameter list

1.3.19 signature [defns.signature.spec]

<function template specialization> signature of the template of which it is a specialization and its template arguments (whether explicitly specified or deduced)

1.3.20 signature [defns.signature.member]

<class member function> name, parameter type list ([dcl.fct]), class of which the function is a member, cv-qualifiers (if any), and ref-qualifier (if any)

1.3.21 signature [defns.signature.member.templ]

<class member function template> name, parameter type list ([dcl.fct]), class of which the function is a member, cv-qualifiers (if any), ref-qualifier (if any), return type, and template parameter list

1.3.22 signature [defns.signature.member.spec]

<class member function template specialization> signature of the member function template of which it is a specialization and its template arguments (whether explicitly specified or deduced)

1.3.23 static type [defns.static.type]

type of an expression ([basic.types]) resulting from analysis of the program without considering execution semantics
NoteThe static type of an expression depends only on the form of the program in which the expression appears, and does not change while the program is executing.

1.3.24 undefined behavior [defns.undefined]

behavior for which this International Standard imposes no requirements
NoteUndefined behavior may be expected when this International Standard omits any explicit definition of behavior or when a program uses an erroneous construct or erroneous data. Permissible undefined behavior ranges from ignoring the situation completely with unpredictable results, to behaving during translation or program execution in a documented manner characteristic of the environment (with or without the issuance of a diagnostic message), to terminating a translation or execution (with the issuance of a diagnostic message). Many erroneous program constructs do not engender undefined behavior; they are required to be diagnosed.

1.3.25 unspecified behavior [defns.unspecified]

behavior, for a well-formed program construct and correct data, that depends on the implementation
NoteThe implementation is not required to document which behavior occurs. The range of possible behaviors is usually delineated by this International Standard.

1.3.26 well-formed program [defns.well.formed]

C++ program constructed according to the syntax rules, diagnosable semantic rules, and the One Definition Rule ([basic.def.odr]).

1.4 Implementation compliance [intro.compliance]

1 The set of diagnosable rules consists of all syntactic and semantic rules in this International Standard except for those rules containing an explicit notation that “no diagnostic is required” or which are described as resulting in “undefined behavior.”
2 Although this International Standard states only requirements on C++ implementations, those requirements are often easier to understand if they are phrased as requirements on programs, parts of programs, or execution of programs. Such requirements have the following meaning:
  • If a program contains no violations of the rules in this International Standard, a conforming implementation shall, within its resource limits, accept and correctly execute[cpp14 2] that program.

  • If a program contains a violation of any diagnosable rule or an occurrence of a construct described in this Standard as “conditionally-supported” when the implementation does not support that construct, a conforming implementation shall issue at least one diagnostic message.

  • If a program contains a violation of a rule for which no diagnostic is required, this International Standard places no requirement on implementations with respect to that program.

3 For classes and class templates, the library Clauses specify partial definitions. Private members (Clause [class.access]) are not specified, but each implementation shall supply them to complete the definitions according to the description in the library Clauses.
4 For functions, function templates, objects, and values, the library Clauses specify declarations. Implementations shall supply definitions consistent with the descriptions in the library Clauses.
5 The names defined in the library have namespace scope ([basic.namespace]). A C++ translation unit ([lex.phases]) obtains access to these names by including the appropriate standard library header ([cpp.include]).
6 The templates, classes, functions, and objects in the library have external linkage ([basic.link]). The implementation provides definitions for standard library entities, as necessary, while combining translation units to form a complete C++ program ([lex.phases]).
7 Two kinds of implementations are defined: a hosted implementation and a freestanding implementation. For a hosted implementation, this International Standard defines the set of available libraries. A freestanding implementation is one in which execution may take place without the benefit of an operating system, and has an implementation-defined set of libraries that includes certain language-support libraries ([compliance]).
8 A conforming implementation may have extensions (including additional library functions), provided they do not alter the behavior of any well-formed program. Implementations are required to diagnose programs that use such extensions that are ill-formed according to this International Standard. Having done so, however, they can compile and execute such programs.
9 Each implementation shall include documentation that identifies all conditionally-supported constructs that it does not support and defines all locale-specific characteristics.[cpp14 3]

1.5 Structure of this International Standard [intro.structure]

1 Clauses [lex] through [cpp] describe the C++ programming language. That description includes detailed syntactic specifications in a form described in [syntax]. For convenience, Annex [gram] repeats all such syntactic specifications.
2 Clauses [language.support] through [thread] and Annex [depr] (the library clauses) describe the Standard C++ library. That description includes detailed descriptions of the templates, classes, functions, constants, and macros that constitute the library, in a form described in Clause [library].
3 Annex [implimits] recommends lower bounds on the capacity of conforming implementations.
4 Annex [diff] summarizes the evolution of C++ since its first published description, and explains in detail the differences between C++ and C. Certain features of C++ exist solely for compatibility purposes; Annex [depr] describes those features.
5 Throughout this International Standard, each example is introduced by “
Example” and terminated by “
”. Each note is introduced by “Note” and terminated by “”. Examples and notes may be nested.

1.6 Syntax notation [syntax]

1 In the syntax notation used in this International Standard, syntactic categories are indicated by italic type, and literal words and characters in constant width type. Alternatives are listed on separate lines except in a few cases where a long set of alternatives is marked by the phrase “one of.” If the text of an alternative is too long to fit on a line, the text is continued on subsequent lines indented from the first one. An optional terminal or non-terminal symbol is indicated by the subscript “opt”, so
Syntax (BNF)

{ expressionopt }

indicates an optional expression enclosed in braces.

2 Names for syntactic categories have generally been chosen according to the following rules:
  • X-id is an identifier with no context-dependent meaning (e.g., qualified-id).

  • X-seq is one or more X's without intervening delimiters (e.g., declaration-seq is a sequence of declarations).

  • X-list is one or more X's separated by intervening commas (e.g., expression-list is a sequence of expressions separated by commas).

1.7 The C++ memory model [intro.memory]

1 The fundamental storage unit in the C++ memory model is the byte. A byte is at least large enough to contain any member of the basic execution character set ([lex.charset]) and the eight-bit code units of the Unicode UTF-8 encoding form and is composed of a contiguous sequence of bits, the number of which is implementation-defined. The least significant bit is called the low-order bit; the most significant bit is called the high-order bit. The memory available to a C++ program consists of one or more sequences of contiguous bytes. Every byte has a unique address.
2 NoteThe representation of types is described in [basic.types].
3 A memory location is either an object of scalar type or a maximal sequence of adjacent bit-fields all having non-zero width. NoteVarious features of the language, such as references and virtual functions, might involve additional memory locations that are not accessible to programs but are managed by the implementation. Two or more threads of execution ([intro.multithread]) can update and access separate memory locations without interfering with each other.
4 NoteThus a bit-field and an adjacent non-bit-field are in separate memory locations, and therefore can be concurrently updated by two threads of execution without interference. The same applies to two bit-fields, if one is declared inside a nested struct declaration and the other is not, or if the two are separated by a zero-length bit-field declaration, or if they are separated by a non-bit-field declaration. It is not safe to concurrently update two bit-fields in the same struct if all fields between them are also bit-fields of non-zero width.
ExampleA structure declared as
struct {
  char a;
  int b:5,
  struct {int ee:8;} e;
contains four separate memory locations: The field a and bit-fields d and e.ee are each separate memory locations, and can be modified concurrently without interfering with each other. The bit-fields b and c together constitute the fourth memory location. The bit-fields b and c cannot be concurrently modified, but b and a, for example, can be.

1.8 The C++ object model [intro.object]

1 The constructs in a C++ program create, destroy, refer to, access, and manipulate objects. An object is a region of storage. NoteA function is not an object, regardless of whether or not it occupies storage in the way that objects do. An object is created by a definition ([basic.def]), by a new-expression ([expr.new]) or by the implementation ([class.temporary]) when needed. The properties of an object are determined when the object is created. An object can have a name (Clause [basic]). An object has a storage duration ([basic.stc]) which influences its lifetime ([basic.life]). An object has a type ([basic.types]). The term object type refers to the type with which the object is created. Some objects are polymorphic ([class.virtual]); the implementation generates information associated with each such object that makes it possible to determine that object's type during program execution. For other objects, the interpretation of the values found therein is determined by the type of the expressions (Clause [expr]) used to access them.
2 Objects can contain other objects, called subobjects. A subobject can be a member subobject ([class.mem]), a base class subobject (Clause [class.derived]), or an array element. An object that is not a subobject of any other object is called a complete object.
3 For every object x, there is some object called the complete object of x, determined as follows:
  • If x is a complete object, then x is the complete object of x.

  • Otherwise, the complete object of x is the complete object of the (unique) object that contains x.

4 If a complete object, a data member ([class.mem]), or an array element is of class type, its type is considered the most derived class, to distinguish it from the class type of any base class subobject; an object of a most derived class type or of a non-class type is called a most derived object.
5 Unless it is a bit-field ([class.bit]), a most derived object shall have a non-zero size and shall occupy one or more bytes of storage. Base class subobjects may have zero size. An object of trivially copyable or standard-layout type ([basic.types]) shall occupy contiguous bytes of storage.
6 Unless an object is a bit-field or a base class subobject of zero size, the address of that object is the address of the first byte it occupies. Two objects that are not bit-fields may have the same address if one is a subobject of the other, or if at least one is a base class subobject of zero size and they are of different types; otherwise, they shall have distinct addresses.[cpp14 4]
static const char test1 = 'x';
static const char test2 = 'x';
const bool b = &test1 != &test2;      // always true
7 NoteC++ provides a variety of fundamental types and several ways of composing new types from existing types ([basic.types]).

1.9 Program execution [intro.execution]

1 The semantic descriptions in this International Standard define a parameterized nondeterministic abstract machine. This International Standard places no requirement on the structure of conforming implementations. In particular, they need not copy or emulate the structure of the abstract machine. Rather, conforming implementations are required to emulate (only) the observable behavior of the abstract machine as explained below.[cpp14 5]
2 Certain aspects and operations of the abstract machine are described in this International Standard as implementation-defined (for example, sizeof(int)). These constitute the parameters of the abstract machine. Each implementation shall include documentation describing its characteristics and behavior in these respects.[cpp14 6] Such documentation shall define the instance of the abstract machine that corresponds to that implementation (referred to as the “corresponding instance” below).
3 Certain other aspects and operations of the abstract machine are described in this International Standard as unspecified (for example, evaluation of expressions in a new-initializer if the allocation function fails to allocate memory ([expr.new])). Where possible, this International Standard defines a set of allowable behaviors. These define the nondeterministic aspects of the abstract machine. An instance of the abstract machine can thus have more than one possible execution for a given program and a given input.
4 Certain other operations are described in this International Standard as undefined (for example, the effect of attempting to modify a const object). NoteThis International Standard imposes no requirements on the behavior of programs that contain undefined behavior.
5 A conforming implementation executing a well-formed program shall produce the same observable behavior as one of the possible executions of the corresponding instance of the abstract machine with the same program and the same input. However, if any such execution contains an undefined operation, this International Standard places no requirement on the implementation executing that program with that input (not even with regard to operations preceding the first undefined operation).
6 If a signal handler is executed as a result of a call to the raise function, then the execution of the handler is sequenced after the invocation of the raise function and before its return. NoteWhen a signal is received for another reason, the execution of the signal handler is usually unsequenced with respect to the rest of the program.
7 An instance of each object with automatic storage duration ([basic.stc.auto]) is associated with each entry into its block. Such an object exists and retains its last-stored value during the execution of the block and while the block is suspended (by a call of a function or receipt of a signal).
8 The least requirements on a conforming implementation are:
  • Access to volatile objects are evaluated strictly according to the rules of the abstract machine.

  • At program termination, all data written into files shall be identical to one of the possible results that execution of the program according to the abstract semantics would have produced.

  • The input and output dynamics of interactive devices shall take place in such a fashion that prompting output is actually delivered before a program waits for input. What constitutes an interactive device is implementation-defined.

    These collectively are referred to as the observable behavior of the program. NoteMore stringent correspondences between abstract and actual semantics may be defined by each implementation.

NoteOperators can be regrouped according to the usual mathematical rules only where the operators really are associative or commutative.[cpp14 7] For example, in the following fragment
int a, b;
a = a + 32760 + b + 5;

the expression statement behaves exactly the same as

a = (((a + 32760) + b) + 5);

due to the associativity and precedence of these operators. Thus, the result of the sum (a + 32760) is next added to b, and that result is then added to 5 which results in the value assigned to a. On a machine in which overflows produce an exception and in which the range of values representable by an int is [-32768,+32767], the implementation cannot rewrite this expression as

a = ((a + b) + 32765);

since if the values for a and b were, respectively, -32754 and -15, the sum a + b would produce an exception while the original expression would not; nor can the expression be rewritten either as

a = ((a + 32765) + b);


a = (a + (b + 32765));
since the values for a and b might have been, respectively, 4 and -8 or -17 and 12. However on a machine in which overflows do not produce an exception and in which the results of overflows are reversible, the above expression statement can be rewritten by the implementation in any of the above ways because the same result will occur.
10 A full-expression is an expression that is not a subexpression of another expression. Notein some contexts, such as unevaluated operands, a syntactic subexpression is considered a full-expression (Clause [expr]). If a language construct is defined to produce an implicit call of a function, a use of the language construct is considered to be an expression for the purposes of this definition. A call to a destructor generated at the end of the lifetime of an object other than a temporary object is an implicit full-expression. Conversions applied to the result of an expression in order to satisfy the requirements of the language construct in which the expression appears are also considered to be part of the full-expression.
struct S {
  S(int i): I(i) { }
  int& v() { return I; }
  int I;

 S s1(1);           // full-expression is call of S::S(int)
 S s2 = 2;          // full-expression is call of S::S(int)

void f() {
  if (S(3).v())     // full-expression includes lvalue-to-rvalue and
                    // int to bool conversions, performed before
                    // temporary is deleted at end of full-expression
  { }
11 NoteThe evaluation of a full-expression can include the evaluation of subexpressions that are not lexically part of the full-expression. For example, subexpressions involved in evaluating default arguments ([dcl.fct.default]) are considered to be created in the expression that calls the function, not the expression that defines the default argument.
12 Accessing an object designated by a volatile glvalue ([basic.lval]), modifying an object, calling a library I/O function, or calling a function that does any of those operations are all side effects, which are changes in the state of the execution environment. Evaluation of an expression (or a sub-expression) in general includes both value computations (including determining the identity of an object for glvalue evaluation and fetching a value previously assigned to an object for prvalue evaluation) and initiation of side effects. When a call to a library I/O function returns or an access to a volatile object is evaluated the side effect is considered complete, even though some external actions implied by the call (such as the I/O itself) or by the volatile access may not have completed yet.
13 Sequenced before is an asymmetric, transitive, pair-wise relation between evaluations executed by a single thread ([intro.multithread]), which induces a partial order among those evaluations. Given any two evaluations A and B, if A is sequenced before B, then the execution of A shall precede the execution of B. If A is not sequenced before B and B is not sequenced before A, then A and B are unsequenced. NoteThe execution of unsequenced evaluations can overlap. Evaluations A and B are indeterminately sequenced when either A is sequenced before B or B is sequenced before A, but it is unspecified which. NoteIndeterminately sequenced evaluations cannot overlap, but either could be executed first.
14 Every value computation and side effect associated with a full-expression is sequenced before every value computation and side effect associated with the next full-expression to be evaluated.[cpp14 8]
15 Except where noted, evaluations of operands of individual operators and of subexpressions of individual expressions are unsequenced. NoteIn an expression that is evaluated more than once during the execution of a program, unsequenced and indeterminately sequenced evaluations of its subexpressions need not be performed consistently in different evaluations. The value computations of the operands of an operator are sequenced before the value computation of the result of the operator. If a side effect on a scalar object is unsequenced relative to either another side effect on the same scalar object or a value computation using the value of the same scalar object, and they are not potentially concurrent ([intro.multithread]), the behavior is undefined. NoteThe next section imposes similar, but more complex restrictions on potentially concurrent computations.
void f(int, int);
void g(int i, int* v) {
  i = v[i++];         // the behavior is undefined
  i = 7, i++, i++;    // i becomes 9

  i = i++ + 1;        // the behavior is undefined
  i = i + 1;          // the value of i is incremented

  f(i = -1, i = -1);  // the behavior is undefined
When calling a function (whether or not the function is inline), every value computation and side effect associated with any argument expression, or with the postfix expression designating the called function, is sequenced before execution of every expression or statement in the body of the called function. NoteValue computations and side effects associated with different argument expressions are unsequenced. Every evaluation in the calling function (including other function calls) that is not otherwise specifically sequenced before or after the execution of the body of the called function is indeterminately sequenced with respect to the execution of the called function.[cpp14 9] Several contexts in C++ cause evaluation of a function call, even though no corresponding function call syntax appears in the translation unit.
ExampleEvaluation of a new expression invokes one or more allocation and constructor functions; see [expr.new]. For another example, invocation of a conversion function ([class.conv.fct]) can arise in contexts in which no function call syntax appears.
The sequencing constraints on the execution of the called function (as described above) are features of the function calls as evaluated, whatever the syntax of the expression that calls the function might be.

1.10 Multi-threaded executions and data races [intro.multithread]

1 A thread of execution (also known as a thread) is a single flow of control within a program, including the initial invocation of a specific top-level function, and recursively including every function invocation subsequently executed by the thread. NoteWhen one thread creates another, the initial call to the top-level function of the new thread is executed by the new thread, not by the creating thread. Every thread in a program can potentially access every object and function in a program.[cpp14 10] Under a hosted implementation, a C++ program can have more than one thread running concurrently. The execution of each thread proceeds as defined by the remainder of this standard. The execution of the entire program consists of an execution of all of its threads. NoteUsually the execution can be viewed as an interleaving of all its threads. However, some kinds of atomic operations, for example, allow executions inconsistent with a simple interleaving, as described below. Under a freestanding implementation, it is implementation-defined whether a program can have more than one thread of execution.
2 A signal handler that is executed as a result of a call to the raise function belongs to the same thread of execution as the call to the raise function. Otherwise it is unspecified which thread of execution contains a signal handler invocation.
3 Implementations should ensure that all unblocked threads eventually make progress. NoteStandard library functions may silently block on I/O or locks. Factors in the execution environment, including externally-imposed thread priorities, may prevent an implementation from making certain guarantees of forward progress.
4 Executions of atomic functions that are either defined to be lock-free ([atomics.flag]) or indicated as lock-free ([atomics.lockfree]) are lock-free executions.
  • If there is only one unblocked thread, a lock-free execution in that thread shall complete. NoteConcurrently executing threads may prevent progress of a lock-free execution. For example, this situation can occur with load-locked store-conditional implementations. This property is sometimes termed obstruction-free.

  • When one or more lock-free executions run concurrently, at least one should complete. NoteIt is difficult for some implementations to provide absolute guarantees to this effect, since repeated and particularly inopportune interference from other threads may prevent forward progress, e.g., by repeatedly stealing a cache line for unrelated purposes between load-locked and store-conditional instructions. Implementations should ensure that such effects cannot indefinitely delay progress under expected operating conditions, and that such anomalies can therefore safely be ignored by programmers. Outside this International Standard, this property is sometimes termed lock-free.

5 The value of an object visible to a thread T at a particular point is the initial value of the object, a value assigned to the object by T, or a value assigned to the object by another thread, according to the rules below. NoteIn some cases, there may instead be undefined behavior. Much of this section is motivated by the desire to support atomic operations with explicit and detailed visibility constraints. However, it also implicitly supports a simpler view for more restricted programs.
6 Two expression evaluations conflict if one of them modifies a memory location ([intro.memory]) and the other one accesses or modifies the same memory location.
7 The library defines a number of atomic operations (Clause [atomics]) and operations on mutexes (Clause [thread]) that are specially identified as synchronization operations. These operations play a special role in making assignments in one thread visible to another. A synchronization operation on one or more memory locations is either a consume operation, an acquire operation, a release operation, or both an acquire and release operation. A synchronization operation without an associated memory location is a fence and can be either an acquire fence, a release fence, or both an acquire and release fence. In addition, there are relaxed atomic operations, which are not synchronization operations, and atomic read-modify-write operations, which have special characteristics. NoteFor example, a call that acquires a mutex will perform an acquire operation on the locations comprising the mutex. Correspondingly, a call that releases the same mutex will perform a release operation on those same locations. Informally, performing a release operation on A forces prior side effects on other memory locations to become visible to other threads that later perform a consume or an acquire operation on A. “Relaxed” atomic operations are not synchronization operations even though, like synchronization operations, they cannot contribute to data races.
8 All modifications to a particular atomic object M occur in some particular total order, called the modification order of M. If A and B are modifications of an atomic object M and A happens before (as defined below) B, then A shall precede B in the modification order of M, which is defined below. NoteThis states that the modification orders must respect the “happens before” relationship. NoteThere is a separate order for each atomic object. There is no requirement that these can be combined into a single total order for all objects. In general this will be impossible since different threads may observe modifications to different objects in inconsistent orders.
9 A release sequence headed by a release operation A on an atomic object M is a maximal contiguous sub-sequence of side effects in the modification order of M, where the first operation is A, and every subsequent operation
  • is performed by the same thread that performed A, or

  • is an atomic read-modify-write operation.

10 Certain library calls synchronize with other library calls performed by another thread. For example, an atomic store-release synchronizes with a load-acquire that takes its value from the store ([atomics.order]). NoteExcept in the specified cases, reading a later value does not necessarily ensure visibility as described below. Such a requirement would sometimes interfere with efficient implementation. NoteThe specifications of the synchronization operations define when one reads the value written by another. For atomic objects, the definition is clear. All operations on a given mutex occur in a single total order. Each mutex acquisition “reads the value written” by the last mutex release.
11 An evaluation A carries a dependency to an evaluation B if
  • the value of A is used as an operand of B, unless:

  • B is an invocation of any specialization of std::kill_dependency ([atomics.order]), or

  • A is the left operand of a conditional (?:, see [expr.cond]) operator, or

  • A is the left operand of the built-in comma (,) operator ([expr.comma]);


  • A writes a scalar object or bit-field M, B reads the value written by A from M, and A is sequenced before B, or

  • for some evaluation X, A carries a dependency to X, and X carries a dependency to B.

    Note“Carries a dependency to” is a subset of “is sequenced before”, and is similarly strictly intra-thread.

12 An evaluation A is dependency-ordered before an evaluation B if
  • A performs a release operation on an atomic object M, and, in another thread, B performs a consume operation on M and reads a value written by any side effect in the release sequence headed by A, or

  • for some evaluation X, A is dependency-ordered before X and X carries a dependency to B.

    NoteThe relation “is dependency-ordered before” is analogous to “synchronizes with”, but uses release/consume in place of release/acquire.

13 An evaluation A inter-thread happens before an evaluation B if
  • A synchronizes with B, or

  • A is dependency-ordered before B, or

  • for some evaluation X

  • A synchronizes with X and X is sequenced before B, or

  • A is sequenced before X and X inter-thread happens before B, or

  • A inter-thread happens before X and X inter-thread happens before B.

    NoteThe “inter-thread happens before” relation describes arbitrary concatenations of “sequenced before”, “synchronizes with” and “dependency-ordered before” relationships, with two exceptions. The first exception is that a concatenation is not permitted to end with “dependency-ordered before” followed by “sequenced before”. The reason for this limitation is that a consume operation participating in a “dependency-ordered before” relationship provides ordering only with respect to operations to which this consume operation actually carries a dependency. The reason that this limitation applies only to the end of such a concatenation is that any subsequent release operation will provide the required ordering for a prior consume operation. The second exception is that a concatenation is not permitted to consist entirely of “sequenced before”. The reasons for this limitation are (1) to permit “inter-thread happens before” to be transitively closed and (2) the “happens before” relation, defined below, provides for relationships consisting entirely of “sequenced before”.

14 An evaluation A happens before an evaluation B if:
  • A is sequenced before B, or

  • A inter-thread happens before B.

    The implementation shall ensure that no program execution demonstrates a cycle in the “happens before” relation. NoteThis cycle would otherwise be possible only through the use of consume operations.

15 A visible side effect A on a scalar object or bit-field M with respect to a value computation B of M satisfies the conditions:
  • A happens before B and

  • there is no other side effect X to M such that A happens before X and X happens before B.

    The value of a non-atomic scalar object or bit-field M, as determined by evaluation B, shall be the value stored by the visible side effect A. NoteIf there is ambiguity about which side effect to a non-atomic object or bit-field is visible, then the behavior is either unspecified or undefined. NoteThis states that operations on ordinary objects are not visibly reordered. This is not actually detectable without data races, but it is necessary to ensure that data races, as defined below, and with suitable restrictions on the use of atomics, correspond to data races in a simple interleaved (sequentially consistent) execution.

16 The value of an atomic object M, as determined by evaluation B, shall be the value stored by some side effect A that modifies M, where B does not happen before A. NoteThe set of such side effects is also restricted by the rest of the rules described here, and in particular, by the coherence requirements below.
17 If an operation A that modifies an atomic object M happens before an operation B that modifies M, then A shall be earlier than B in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as write-write coherence.
18 If a value computation A of an atomic object M happens before a value computation B of M, and A takes its value from a side effect X on M, then the value computed by B shall either be the value stored by X or the value stored by a side effect Y on M, where Y follows X in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as read-read coherence.
19 If a value computation A of an atomic object M happens before an operation B that modifies M, then A shall take its value from a side effect X on M, where X precedes B in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as read-write coherence.
20 If a side effect X on an atomic object M happens before a value computation B of M, then the evaluation B shall take its value from X or from a side effect Y that follows X in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as write-read coherence.
21 NoteThe four preceding coherence requirements effectively disallow compiler reordering of atomic operations to a single object, even if both operations are relaxed loads. This effectively makes the cache coherence guarantee provided by most hardware available to C++ atomic operations.
22 NoteThe value observed by a load of an atomic depends on the “happens before” relation, which depends on the values observed by loads of atomics. The intended reading is that there must exist an association of atomic loads with modifications they observe that, together with suitably chosen modification orders and the “happens before” relation derived as described above, satisfy the resulting constraints as imposed here.
23 Two actions are potentially concurrent if
  • they are performed by different threads, or

  • they are unsequenced, and at least one is performed by a signal handler.

    The execution of a program contains a data race if it contains two potentially concurrent conflicting actions, at least one of which is not atomic, and neither happens before the other, except for the special case for signal handlers described below. Any such data race results in undefined behavior. NoteIt can be shown that programs that correctly use mutexes and memory_order_seq_cst operations to prevent all data races and use no other synchronization operations behave as if the operations executed by their constituent threads were simply interleaved, with each value computation of an object being taken from the last side effect on that object in that interleaving. This is normally referred to as “sequential consistency”. However, this applies only to data-race-free programs, and data-race-free programs cannot observe most program transformations that do not change single-threaded program semantics. In fact, most single-threaded program transformations continue to be allowed, since any program that behaves differently as a result must perform an undefined operation.

24 Two accesses to the same object of type volatile sig_atomic_t do not result in a data race if both occur in the same thread, even if one or more occurs in a signal handler. For each signal handler invocation, evaluations performed by the thread invoking a signal handler can be divided into two groups A and B, such that no evaluations in B happen before evaluations in A, and the evaluations of such volatile sig_atomic_t objects take values as though all evaluations in A happened before the execution of the signal handler and the execution of the signal handler happened before all evaluations in B.
25 NoteCompiler transformations that introduce assignments to a potentially shared memory location that would not be modified by the abstract machine are generally precluded by this standard, since such an assignment might overwrite another assignment by a different thread in cases in which an abstract machine execution would not have encountered a data race. This includes implementations of data member assignment that overwrite adjacent members in separate memory locations. Reordering of atomic loads in cases in which the atomics in question may alias is also generally precluded, since this may violate the coherence rules.
26 NoteTransformations that introduce a speculative read of a potentially shared memory location may not preserve the semantics of the C++ program as defined in this standard, since they potentially introduce a data race. However, they are typically valid in the context of an optimizing compiler that targets a specific machine with well-defined semantics for data races. They would be invalid for a hypothetical machine that is not tolerant of races or provides hardware race detection.
27 The implementation may assume that any thread will eventually do one of the following:
  • terminate,

  • make a call to a library I/O function,

  • access or modify a volatile object, or

  • perform a synchronization operation or an atomic operation.

    NoteThis is intended to allow compiler transformations such as removal of empty loops, even when termination cannot be proven.

28 An implementation should ensure that the last value (in modification order) assigned by an atomic or synchronization operation will become visible to all other threads in a finite period of time.

1.11 Acknowledgments [intro.ack]

1 A thread of execution (also known as a thread) is a single flow of control within a program, including the initial invocation of a specific top-level function, and recursively including every function invocation subsequently executed by the thread. NoteWhen one thread creates another, the initial call to the top-level function of the new thread is executed by the new thread, not by the creating thread. Every thread in a program can potentially access every object and function in a program.[cpp14 10] Under a hosted implementation, a C++ program can have more than one thread running concurrently. The execution of each thread proceeds as defined by the remainder of this standard. The execution of the entire program consists of an execution of all of its threads. NoteUsually the execution can be viewed as an interleaving of all its threads. However, some kinds of atomic operations, for example, allow executions inconsistent with a simple interleaving, as described below. Under a freestanding implementation, it is implementation-defined whether a program can have more than one thread of execution.
2 A signal handler that is executed as a result of a call to the raise function belongs to the same thread of execution as the call to the raise function. Otherwise it is unspecified which thread of execution contains a signal handler invocation.
3 Implementations should ensure that all unblocked threads eventually make progress. NoteStandard library functions may silently block on I/O or locks. Factors in the execution environment, including externally-imposed thread priorities, may prevent an implementation from making certain guarantees of forward progress.
4 Executions of atomic functions that are either defined to be lock-free ([atomics.flag]) or indicated as lock-free ([atomics.lockfree]) are lock-free executions.
  • If there is only one unblocked thread, a lock-free execution in that thread shall complete. NoteConcurrently executing threads may prevent progress of a lock-free execution. For example, this situation can occur with load-locked store-conditional implementations. This property is sometimes termed obstruction-free.

  • When one or more lock-free executions run concurrently, at least one should complete. NoteIt is difficult for some implementations to provide absolute guarantees to this effect, since repeated and particularly inopportune interference from other threads may prevent forward progress, e.g., by repeatedly stealing a cache line for unrelated purposes between load-locked and store-conditional instructions. Implementations should ensure that such effects cannot indefinitely delay progress under expected operating conditions, and that such anomalies can therefore safely be ignored by programmers. Outside this International Standard, this property is sometimes termed lock-free.

5 The value of an object visible to a thread T at a particular point is the initial value of the object, a value assigned to the object by T, or a value assigned to the object by another thread, according to the rules below. NoteIn some cases, there may instead be undefined behavior. Much of this section is motivated by the desire to support atomic operations with explicit and detailed visibility constraints. However, it also implicitly supports a simpler view for more restricted programs.
6 Two expression evaluations conflict if one of them modifies a memory location ([intro.memory]) and the other one accesses or modifies the same memory location.
7 The library defines a number of atomic operations (Clause [atomics]) and operations on mutexes (Clause [thread]) that are specially identified as synchronization operations. These operations play a special role in making assignments in one thread visible to another. A synchronization operation on one or more memory locations is either a consume operation, an acquire operation, a release operation, or both an acquire and release operation. A synchronization operation without an associated memory location is a fence and can be either an acquire fence, a release fence, or both an acquire and release fence. In addition, there are relaxed atomic operations, which are not synchronization operations, and atomic read-modify-write operations, which have special characteristics. NoteFor example, a call that acquires a mutex will perform an acquire operation on the locations comprising the mutex. Correspondingly, a call that releases the same mutex will perform a release operation on those same locations. Informally, performing a release operation on A forces prior side effects on other memory locations to become visible to other threads that later perform a consume or an acquire operation on A. “Relaxed” atomic operations are not synchronization operations even though, like synchronization operations, they cannot contribute to data races.
8 All modifications to a particular atomic object M occur in some particular total order, called the modification order of M. If A and B are modifications of an atomic object M and A happens before (as defined below) B, then A shall precede B in the modification order of M, which is defined below. NoteThis states that the modification orders must respect the “happens before” relationship. NoteThere is a separate order for each atomic object. There is no requirement that these can be combined into a single total order for all objects. In general this will be impossible since different threads may observe modifications to different objects in inconsistent orders.
9 A release sequence headed by a release operation A on an atomic object M is a maximal contiguous sub-sequence of side effects in the modification order of M, where the first operation is A, and every subsequent operation
  • is performed by the same thread that performed A, or

  • is an atomic read-modify-write operation.

10 Certain library calls synchronize with other library calls performed by another thread. For example, an atomic store-release synchronizes with a load-acquire that takes its value from the store ([atomics.order]). NoteExcept in the specified cases, reading a later value does not necessarily ensure visibility as described below. Such a requirement would sometimes interfere with efficient implementation. NoteThe specifications of the synchronization operations define when one reads the value written by another. For atomic objects, the definition is clear. All operations on a given mutex occur in a single total order. Each mutex acquisition “reads the value written” by the last mutex release.
11 An evaluation A carries a dependency to an evaluation B if
  • the value of A is used as an operand of B, unless:

  • B is an invocation of any specialization of std::kill_dependency ([atomics.order]), or

  • A is the left operand of a conditional (?:, see [expr.cond]) operator, or

  • A is the left operand of the built-in comma (,) operator ([expr.comma]);


  • A writes a scalar object or bit-field M, B reads the value written by A from M, and A is sequenced before B, or

  • for some evaluation X, A carries a dependency to X, and X carries a dependency to B.

    Note“Carries a dependency to” is a subset of “is sequenced before”, and is similarly strictly intra-thread.

12 An evaluation A is dependency-ordered before an evaluation B if
  • A performs a release operation on an atomic object M, and, in another thread, B performs a consume operation on M and reads a value written by any side effect in the release sequence headed by A, or

  • for some evaluation X, A is dependency-ordered before X and X carries a dependency to B.

    NoteThe relation “is dependency-ordered before” is analogous to “synchronizes with”, but uses release/consume in place of release/acquire.

13 An evaluation A inter-thread happens before an evaluation B if
  • A synchronizes with B, or

  • A is dependency-ordered before B, or

  • for some evaluation X

  • A synchronizes with X and X is sequenced before B, or

  • A is sequenced before X and X inter-thread happens before B, or

  • A inter-thread happens before X and X inter-thread happens before B.

    NoteThe “inter-thread happens before” relation describes arbitrary concatenations of “sequenced before”, “synchronizes with” and “dependency-ordered before” relationships, with two exceptions. The first exception is that a concatenation is not permitted to end with “dependency-ordered before” followed by “sequenced before”. The reason for this limitation is that a consume operation participating in a “dependency-ordered before” relationship provides ordering only with respect to operations to which this consume operation actually carries a dependency. The reason that this limitation applies only to the end of such a concatenation is that any subsequent release operation will provide the required ordering for a prior consume operation. The second exception is that a concatenation is not permitted to consist entirely of “sequenced before”. The reasons for this limitation are (1) to permit “inter-thread happens before” to be transitively closed and (2) the “happens before” relation, defined below, provides for relationships consisting entirely of “sequenced before”.

14 An evaluation A happens before an evaluation B if:
  • A is sequenced before B, or

  • A inter-thread happens before B.

    The implementation shall ensure that no program execution demonstrates a cycle in the “happens before” relation. NoteThis cycle would otherwise be possible only through the use of consume operations.

15 A visible side effect A on a scalar object or bit-field M with respect to a value computation B of M satisfies the conditions:
  • A happens before B and

  • there is no other side effect X to M such that A happens before X and X happens before B.

    The value of a non-atomic scalar object or bit-field M, as determined by evaluation B, shall be the value stored by the visible side effect A. NoteIf there is ambiguity about which side effect to a non-atomic object or bit-field is visible, then the behavior is either unspecified or undefined. NoteThis states that operations on ordinary objects are not visibly reordered. This is not actually detectable without data races, but it is necessary to ensure that data races, as defined below, and with suitable restrictions on the use of atomics, correspond to data races in a simple interleaved (sequentially consistent) execution.

16 The value of an atomic object M, as determined by evaluation B, shall be the value stored by some side effect A that modifies M, where B does not happen before A. NoteThe set of such side effects is also restricted by the rest of the rules described here, and in particular, by the coherence requirements below.
17 If an operation A that modifies an atomic object M happens before an operation B that modifies M, then A shall be earlier than B in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as write-write coherence.
18 If a value computation A of an atomic object M happens before a value computation B of M, and A takes its value from a side effect X on M, then the value computed by B shall either be the value stored by X or the value stored by a side effect Y on M, where Y follows X in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as read-read coherence.
19 If a value computation A of an atomic object M happens before an operation B that modifies M, then A shall take its value from a side effect X on M, where X precedes B in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as read-write coherence.
20 If a side effect X on an atomic object M happens before a value computation B of M, then the evaluation B shall take its value from X or from a side effect Y that follows X in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as write-read coherence.
21 NoteThe four preceding coherence requirements effectively disallow compiler reordering of atomic operations to a single object, even if both operations are relaxed loads. This effectively makes the cache coherence guarantee provided by most hardware available to C++ atomic operations.
22 NoteThe value observed by a load of an atomic depends on the “happens before” relation, which depends on the values observed by loads of atomics. The intended reading is that there must exist an association of atomic loads with modifications they observe that, together with suitably chosen modification orders and the “happens before” relation derived as described above, satisfy the resulting constraints as imposed here.
23 Two actions are potentially concurrent if
  • they are performed by different threads, or

  • they are unsequenced, and at least one is performed by a signal handler.

    The execution of a program contains a data race if it contains two potentially concurrent conflicting actions, at least one of which is not atomic, and neither happens before the other, except for the special case for signal handlers described below. Any such data race results in undefined behavior. NoteIt can be shown that programs that correctly use mutexes and memory_order_seq_cst operations to prevent all data races and use no other synchronization operations behave as if the operations executed by their constituent threads were simply interleaved, with each value computation of an object being taken from the last side effect on that object in that interleaving. This is normally referred to as “sequential consistency”. However, this applies only to data-race-free programs, and data-race-free programs cannot observe most program transformations that do not change single-threaded program semantics. In fact, most single-threaded program transformations continue to be allowed, since any program that behaves differently as a result must perform an undefined operation.

24 Two accesses to the same object of type volatile sig_atomic_t do not result in a data race if both occur in the same thread, even if one or more occurs in a signal handler. For each signal handler invocation, evaluations performed by the thread invoking a signal handler can be divided into two groups A and B, such that no evaluations in B happen before evaluations in A, and the evaluations of such volatile sig_atomic_t objects take values as though all evaluations in A happened before the execution of the signal handler and the execution of the signal handler happened before all evaluations in B.
25 NoteCompiler transformations that introduce assignments to a potentially shared memory location that would not be modified by the abstract machine are generally precluded by this standard, since such an assignment might overwrite another assignment by a different thread in cases in which an abstract machine execution would not have encountered a data race. This includes implementations of data member assignment that overwrite adjacent members in separate memory locations. Reordering of atomic loads in cases in which the atomics in question may alias is also generally precluded, since this may violate the coherence rules.
26 NoteTransformations that introduce a speculative read of a potentially shared memory location may not preserve the semantics of the C++ program as defined in this standard, since they potentially introduce a data race. However, they are typically valid in the context of an optimizing compiler that targets a specific machine with well-defined semantics for data races. They would be invalid for a hypothetical machine that is not tolerant of races or provides hardware race detection.
27 The implementation may assume that any thread will eventually do one of the following:
  • terminate,

  • make a call to a library I/O function,

  • access or modify a volatile object, or

  • perform a synchronization operation or an atomic operation.

    NoteThis is intended to allow compiler transformations such as removal of empty loops, even when termination cannot be proven.

28 An implementation should ensure that the last value (in modification order) assigned by an atomic or synchronization operation will become visible to all other threads in a finite period of time.

  1. With the qualifications noted in Clauses [language.support] through [thread] and in [diff.library], the C standard library is a subset of the C++ standard library.
  2. “Correct execution” can include undefined behavior, depending on the data being processed; see [intro.defs] and [intro.execution].
  3. This documentation also defines implementation-defined behavior; see [intro.execution].
  4. Under the “as-if” rule an implementation is allowed to store two objects at the same machine address or not store an object at all if the program cannot observe the difference ([intro.execution]).
  5. This provision is sometimes called the “as-if” rule, because an implementation is free to disregard any requirement of this International Standard as long as the result is as if the requirement had been obeyed, as far as can be determined from the observable behavior of the program. For instance, an actual implementation need not evaluate part of an expression if it can deduce that its value is not used and that no side effects affecting the observable behavior of the program are produced.
  6. This documentation also includes conditionally-supported constructs and locale-specific behavior. See [intro.compliance].
  7. Overloaded operators are never assumed to be associative or commutative.
  8. As specified in [class.temporary], after a full-expression is evaluated, a sequence of zero or more invocations of destructor functions for temporary objects takes place, usually in reverse order of the construction of each temporary object.
  9. In other words, function executions do not interleave with each other.
  10. 10.0 10.1 An object with automatic or thread storage duration ([basic.stc]) is associated with one specific thread, and can be accessed by a different thread only indirectly through a pointer or reference ([basic.compound]).


Source: https://timsong-cpp.github.io/cppwp/n4659/intro

List of Tables [tab]
List of Figures [fig]
1 Scope [intro.scope]
2 Normative references [intro.refs]
3 Terms and definitions [intro.defs]
4 General principles [intro]
4.1 Implementation compliance [intro.compliance]
4.2 Structure of this document [intro.structure]
4.3 Syntax notation [syntax]
4.4 The C++ memory model [intro.memory]
4.5 The C++ object model [intro.object]
4.6 Program execution [intro.execution]
4.7 Multi-threaded executions and data races [intro.multithread]
4.8 Acknowledgments [intro.ack]
5 Lexical conventions [lex]
6 Basic concepts [basic]
7 Standard conversions [conv]
8 Expressions [expr]
9 Statements [stmt.stmt]
10 Declarations [dcl.dcl]
11 Declarators [dcl.decl]
12 Classes [class]
13 Derived classes [class.derived]
14 Member access control [class.access]
15 Special member functions [special]
16 Overloading [over]
17 Templates [temp]
18 Exception handling [except]
19 Preprocessing directives [cpp]
20 Library introduction [library]
21 Language support library [language.support]
22 Diagnostics library [diagnostics]
23 General utilities library [utilities]
24 Strings library [strings]
25 Localization library [localization]
26 Containers library [containers]
27 Iterators library [iterators]
28 Algorithms library [algorithms]
29 Numerics library [numerics]
30 Input/output library [input.output]
31 Regular expressions library [re]
32 Atomic operations library [atomics]
33 Thread support library [thread]
Annex A (informative) Grammar summary [gram]
Annex B (informative) Implementation quantities [implimits]
Annex C (informative) Compatibility [diff]
Annex D (normative) Compatibility features [depr]
Index [generalindex]
Index of library names [libraryindex]
Index of implementation-defined behavior [impldefindex]

4 General principles [intro]

4.1 Implementation compliance [intro.compliance]

1 The set of diagnosable rules consists of all syntactic and semantic rules in this International Standard except for those rules containing an explicit notation that “no diagnostic is required” or which are described as resulting in “undefined behavior”.
2 Although this International Standard states only requirements on C++ implementations, those requirements are often easier to understand if they are phrased as requirements on programs, parts of programs, or execution of programs. Such requirements have the following meaning:
  • If a program contains no violations of the rules in this International Standard, a conforming implementation shall, within its resource limits, accept and correctly execute[cpp17 1] that program.

  • If a program contains a violation of any diagnosable rule or an occurrence of a construct described in this International Standard as “conditionally-supported” when the implementation does not support that construct, a conforming implementation shall issue at least one diagnostic message.

  • If a program contains a violation of a rule for which no diagnostic is required, this International Standard places no requirement on implementations with respect to that program.

    NoteDuring template argument deduction and substitution, certain constructs that in other contexts require a diagnostic are treated differently; see [temp.deduct].

3 For classes and class templates, the library Clauses specify partial definitions. Private members are not specified, but each implementation shall supply them to complete the definitions according to the description in the library Clauses.
4 For functions, function templates, objects, and values, the library Clauses specify declarations. Implementations shall supply definitions consistent with the descriptions in the library Clauses.
5 The names defined in the library have namespace scope ([basic.namespace]). A C++ translation unit obtains access to these names by including the appropriate standard library header.
6 The templates, classes, functions, and objects in the library have external linkage. The implementation provides definitions for standard library entities, as necessary, while combining translation units to form a complete C++ program ([lex.phases]).
7 Two kinds of implementations are defined: a hosted implementation and a freestanding implementation. For a hosted implementation, this International Standard defines the set of available libraries. A freestanding implementation is one in which execution may take place without the benefit of an operating system, and has an implementation-defined set of libraries that includes certain language-support libraries ([compliance]).
8 A conforming implementation may have extensions (including additional library functions), provided they do not alter the behavior of any well-formed program. Implementations are required to diagnose programs that use such extensions that are ill-formed according to this International Standard. Having done so, however, they can compile and execute such programs.
9 Each implementation shall include documentation that identifies all conditionally-supported constructs that it does not support and defines all locale-specific characteristics.[cpp17 2]

4.2 Structure of this document [intro.structure]

1 Clauses [lex] through [cpp] describe the C++ programming language. That description includes detailed syntactic specifications in a form described in [syntax]. For convenience, Annex [gram] repeats all such syntactic specifications.
2 Clauses [language.support] through [thread] and Annex [depr] (the library clauses) describe the C++ standard library. That description includes detailed descriptions of the entities and macros that constitute the library, in a form described in Clause [library].
3 Annex [implimits] recommends lower bounds on the capacity of conforming implementations.
4 Annex [diff] summarizes the evolution of C++ since its first published description, and explains in detail the differences between C++ and C. Certain features of C++ exist solely for compatibility purposes; Annex [depr] describes those features.
5 Throughout this document, each example is introduced by “
Example” and terminated by “
”. Each note is introduced by “Note” and terminated by “”. Examples and notes may be nested.

4.3 Syntax notation [syntax]

1 In the syntax notation used in this document, syntactic categories are indicated by italic type, and literal words and characters in constant width type. Alternatives are listed on separate lines except in a few cases where a long set of alternatives is marked by the phrase “one of”. If the text of an alternative is too long to fit on a line, the text is continued on subsequent lines indented from the first one. An optional terminal or non-terminal symbol is indicated by the subscript “opt”, so
Syntax (BNF)

{ expressionopt }

indicates an optional expression enclosed in braces.

2 Names for syntactic categories have generally been chosen according to the following rules:
  • X-id is an identifier with no context-dependent meaning (e.g., qualified-id).

  • X-seq is one or more X's without intervening delimiters (e.g., declaration-seq is a sequence of declarations).

  • X-list is one or more X's separated by intervening commas (e.g., identifier-list is a sequence of identifiers separated by commas).

4.4 The C++ memory model [intro.memory]

1 The fundamental storage unit in the C++ memory model is the byte. A byte is at least large enough to contain any member of the basic execution character set and the eight-bit code units of the Unicode UTF-8 encoding form and is composed of a contiguous sequence of bits,[cpp17 3] the number of which is implementation-defined. The least significant bit is called the low-order bit; the most significant bit is called the high-order bit. The memory available to a C++ program consists of one or more sequences of contiguous bytes. Every byte has a unique address.
2 NoteThe representation of types is described in [basic.types].
3 A memory location is either an object of scalar type or a maximal sequence of adjacent bit-fields all having nonzero width. NoteVarious features of the language, such as references and virtual functions, might involve additional memory locations that are not accessible to programs but are managed by the implementation. Two or more threads of execution can access separate memory locations without interfering with each other.
4 NoteThus a bit-field and an adjacent non-bit-field are in separate memory locations, and therefore can be concurrently updated by two threads of execution without interference. The same applies to two bit-fields, if one is declared inside a nested struct declaration and the other is not, or if the two are separated by a zero-length bit-field declaration, or if they are separated by a non-bit-field declaration. It is not safe to concurrently update two bit-fields in the same struct if all fields between them are also bit-fields of nonzero width.
ExampleA structure declared as
struct {
  char a;
  int b:5,
  struct {int ee:8;} e;
contains four separate memory locations: The field a and bit-fields d and e.ee are each separate memory locations, and can be modified concurrently without interfering with each other. The bit-fields b and c together constitute the fourth memory location. The bit-fields b and c cannot be concurrently modified, but b and a, for example, can be.

4.5 The C++ object model [intro.object]

1 The constructs in a C++ program create, destroy, refer to, access, and manipulate objects. An object is created by a definition, by a new-expression, when implicitly changing the active member of a union, or when a temporary object is created ([conv.rval], [class.temporary]). An object occupies a region of storage in its period of construction ([class.cdtor]), throughout its lifetime, and in its period of destruction ([class.cdtor]). NoteA function is not an object, regardless of whether or not it occupies storage in the way that objects do. The properties of an object are determined when the object is created. An object can have a name. An object has a storage duration which influences its lifetime. An object has a type. Some objects are polymorphic; the implementation generates information associated with each such object that makes it possible to determine that object's type during program execution. For other objects, the interpretation of the values found therein is determined by the type of the expressions (Clause [expr]) used to access them.
2 Objects can contain other objects, called subobjects. A subobject can be a member subobject ([class.mem]), a base class subobject (Clause [class.derived]), or an array element. An object that is not a subobject of any other object is called a complete object. If an object is created in storage associated with a member subobject or array element e (which may or may not be within its lifetime), the created object is a subobject of e's containing object if:
  • the lifetime of e's containing object has begun and not ended, and

  • the storage for the new object exactly overlays the storage location associated with e, and

  • the new object is of the same type as e (ignoring cv-qualification).

    NoteIf the subobject contains a reference member or a const subobject, the name of the original subobject cannot be used to access the new object ([basic.life]).
    struct X { const int n; };
    union U { X x; float f; };
    void tong() {
      U u = {{ 1 }};
      u.f = 5.f;                          // OK, creates new subobject of u ([class.union])
      X *p = new (&u.x) X {2};            // OK, creates new subobject of u
      assert(p->n == 2);                  // OK
      assert(*std::launder(&u.x.n) == 2); // OK
      assert(u.x.n == 2);                 // undefined behavior, u.x does not name new subobject
3 If a complete object is created ([expr.new]) in storage associated with another object e of type “array of N unsigned char” or of type “array of N std​::​byte” ([cstddef.syn]), that array provides storage for the created object if:
  • the lifetime of e has begun and not ended, and

  • the storage for the new object fits entirely within e, and

  • there is no smaller array object that satisfies these constraints.

    NoteIf that portion of the array previously provided storage for another object, the lifetime of that object ends because its storage was reused ([basic.life]).
    template<typename ...T>
    struct AlignedUnion {
      alignas(T...) unsigned char data[max(sizeof(T)...)];
    int f() {
      AlignedUnion<int, char> au;
      int *p = new (au.data) int;     // OK, au.data provides storage
      char *c = new (au.data) char(); // OK, ends lifetime of *p
      char *d = new (au.data + 1) char();
      return *c + *d; // OK
    struct A { unsigned char a[32]; };
    struct B { unsigned char b[16]; };
    A a;
    B *b = new (a.a + 8) B;      // a.a provides storage for *b
    int *p = new (b->b + 4) int; // b->b provides storage for *p
                                 // a.a does not provide storage for *p (directly),
                                 // but *p is nested within a (see below)
4 An object a is nested within another object b if:
  • a is a subobject of b, or

  • b provides storage for a, or

  • there exists an object c where a is nested within c, and c is nested within b.

5 For every object x, there is some object called the complete object of x, determined as follows:
  • If x is a complete object, then the complete object of x is itself.

  • Otherwise, the complete object of x is the complete object of the (unique) object that contains x.

6 If a complete object, a data member, or an array element is of class type, its type is considered the most derived class, to distinguish it from the class type of any base class subobject; an object of a most derived class type or of a non-class type is called a most derived object.
7 Unless it is a bit-field, a most derived object shall have a nonzero size and shall occupy one or more bytes of storage. Base class subobjects may have zero size. An object of trivially copyable or standard-layout type shall occupy contiguous bytes of storage.
8 Unless an object is a bit-field or a base class subobject of zero size, the address of that object is the address of the first byte it occupies. Two objects a and b with overlapping lifetimes that are not bit-fields may have the same address if one is nested within the other, or if at least one is a base class subobject of zero size and they are of different types; otherwise, they have distinct addresses.[cpp17 4]
static const char test1 = 'x';
static const char test2 = 'x';
const bool b = &test1 != &test2;      // always true
9 NoteC++ provides a variety of fundamental types and several ways of composing new types from existing types ([basic.types]).

4.6 Program execution [intro.execution]

1 The semantic descriptions in this International Standard define a parameterized nondeterministic abstract machine. This International Standard places no requirement on the structure of conforming implementations. In particular, they need not copy or emulate the structure of the abstract machine. Rather, conforming implementations are required to emulate (only) the observable behavior of the abstract machine as explained below.[cpp17 5]
2 Certain aspects and operations of the abstract machine are described in this International Standard as implementation-defined (for example, sizeof(int)). These constitute the parameters of the abstract machine. Each implementation shall include documentation describing its characteristics and behavior in these respects.[cpp17 6] Such documentation shall define the instance of the abstract machine that corresponds to that implementation (referred to as the “corresponding instance” below).
3 Certain other aspects and operations of the abstract machine are described in this International Standard as unspecified (for example, evaluation of expressions in a new-initializer if the allocation function fails to allocate memory ([expr.new])). Where possible, this International Standard defines a set of allowable behaviors. These define the nondeterministic aspects of the abstract machine. An instance of the abstract machine can thus have more than one possible execution for a given program and a given input.
4 Certain other operations are described in this International Standard as undefined (for example, the effect of attempting to modify a const object). NoteThis International Standard imposes no requirements on the behavior of programs that contain undefined behavior.
5 A conforming implementation executing a well-formed program shall produce the same observable behavior as one of the possible executions of the corresponding instance of the abstract machine with the same program and the same input. However, if any such execution contains an undefined operation, this International Standard places no requirement on the implementation executing that program with that input (not even with regard to operations preceding the first undefined operation).
6 An instance of each object with automatic storage duration is associated with each entry into its block. Such an object exists and retains its last-stored value during the execution of the block and while the block is suspended (by a call of a function or receipt of a signal).
7 The least requirements on a conforming implementation are:
  • Accesses through volatile glvalues are evaluated strictly according to the rules of the abstract machine.

  • At program termination, all data written into files shall be identical to one of the possible results that execution of the program according to the abstract semantics would have produced.

  • The input and output dynamics of interactive devices shall take place in such a fashion that prompting output is actually delivered before a program waits for input. What constitutes an interactive device is implementation-defined.

    These collectively are referred to as the observable behavior of the program. NoteMore stringent correspondences between abstract and actual semantics may be defined by each implementation.

NoteOperators can be regrouped according to the usual mathematical rules only where the operators really are associative or commutative.[cpp17 7] For example, in the following fragment
int a, b;
/* ...&nbsp;*/
a = a + 32760 + b + 5;

the expression statement behaves exactly the same as

a = (((a + 32760) + b) + 5);

due to the associativity and precedence of these operators. Thus, the result of the sum (a + 32760) is next added to b, and that result is then added to 5 which results in the value assigned to a. On a machine in which overflows produce an exception and in which the range of values representable by an int is [-32768, +32767], the implementation cannot rewrite this expression as

a = ((a + b) + 32765);

since if the values for a and b were, respectively, -32754 and -15, the sum a + b would produce an exception while the original expression would not; nor can the expression be rewritten either as

a = ((a + 32765) + b);


a = (a + (b + 32765));
since the values for a and b might have been, respectively, 4 and -8 or -17 and 12. However on a machine in which overflows do not produce an exception and in which the results of overflows are reversible, the above expression statement can be rewritten by the implementation in any of the above ways because the same result will occur.
9 A constituent expression is defined as follows:
  • The constituent expression of an expression is that expression.

  • The constituent expressions of a braced-init-list or of a (possibly parenthesized) expression-list are the constituent expressions of the elements of the respective list.

10 The immediate subexpressions of an expression e are
  • the constituent expressions of e's operands (Clause [expr]),

  • any function call that e implicitly invokes,

  • if e creates an aggregate object, the constituent expressions of each default member initializer ([class.mem]) used in the initialization.

11 A subexpression of an expression e is an immediate subexpression of e or a subexpression of an immediate subexpression of e. NoteExpressions appearing in the compound-statement of a lambda-expression are not subexpressions of the lambda-expression.
12 A full-expression is
  • an invocation of a destructor generated at the end of the lifetime of an object other than a temporary object, or

  • an expression that is not a subexpression of another expression and that is not otherwise part of a full-expression.

    If a language construct is defined to produce an implicit call of a function, a use of the language construct is considered to be an expression for the purposes of this definition. Conversions applied to the result of an expression in order to satisfy the requirements of the language construct in which the expression appears are also considered to be part of the full-expression. For an initializer, performing the initialization of the entity (including evaluating default member initializers of an aggregate) is also considered part of the full-expression.
    struct S {
      S(int i): I(i) { }       // full-expression is initialization of I
      int& v() { return I; }
      ~S() noexcept(false) { }
      int I;
    S s1(1);                   // full-expression is call of S​::​S(int)
    void f() {
      S s2 = 2;                // full-expression is call of S​::​S(int)
      if (S(3).v())            // full-expression includes lvalue-to-rvalue and
                               // int to bool conversions, performed before
                               // temporary is deleted at end of full-expression
      { }
      bool b = noexcept(S());  // exception specification of destructor of S
                               // considered for noexcept
      // full-expression is destruction of s2 at end of block
    struct B {
          B(S = S(0));
       B b[2] = { B(), B() };  // full-expression is the entire initialization
                               // including the destruction of temporaries
13 NoteThe evaluation of a full-expression can include the evaluation of subexpressions that are not lexically part of the full-expression. For example, subexpressions involved in evaluating default arguments are considered to be created in the expression that calls the function, not the expression that defines the default argument.
14 Reading an object designated by a volatile

glvalue, modifying an object, calling a library I/O function, or calling a function that does any of those operations are all side effects, which are changes in the state of the execution environment. Evaluation of an expression (or a subexpression) in general includes both value computations (including determining the identity of an object for glvalue evaluation and fetching a value previously assigned to an object for prvalue evaluation) and initiation of side effects. When a call to a library I/O function returns or an access through a volatile glvalue is evaluated the side effect is considered complete, even though some external actions implied by the call (such as the I/O itself) or by the volatile access may not have completed yet.

15 Sequenced before is an asymmetric, transitive, pair-wise relation between evaluations executed by a single thread, which induces a partial order among those evaluations. Given any two evaluations A and B, if A is sequenced before B (or, equivalently, B is sequenced after A), then the execution of A shall precede the execution of B. If A is not sequenced before B and B is not sequenced before A, then A and B are unsequenced. NoteThe execution of unsequenced evaluations can overlap. Evaluations A and B are indeterminately sequenced when either A is sequenced before B or B is sequenced before A, but it is unspecified which. NoteIndeterminately sequenced evaluations cannot overlap, but either could be executed first. An expression X is said to be sequenced before an expression Y if every value computation and every side effect associated with the expression X is sequenced before every value computation and every side effect associated with the expression Y.
16 Every value computation and side effect associated with a full-expression is sequenced before every value computation and side effect associated with the next full-expression to be evaluated.[cpp17 8]
17 Except where noted, evaluations of operands of individual operators and of subexpressions of individual expressions are unsequenced. NoteIn an expression that is evaluated more than once during the execution of a program, unsequenced and indeterminately sequenced evaluations of its subexpressions need not be performed consistently in different evaluations. The value computations of the operands of an operator are sequenced before the value computation of the result of the operator. If a side effect on a memory location is unsequenced relative to either another side effect on the same memory location or a value computation using the value of any object in the same memory location, and they are not potentially concurrent, the behavior is undefined. NoteThe next section imposes similar, but more complex restrictions on potentially concurrent computations.
void g(int i) {
  i = 7, i++, i++;    // i becomes 9

  i = i++ + 1;        // the value of i is incremented
  i = i++ + i;        // the behavior is undefined
  i = i + 1;          // the value of i is incremented
18 When calling a function (whether or not the function is inline), every value computation and side effect associated with any argument expression, or with the postfix expression designating the called function, is sequenced before execution of every expression or statement in the body of the called function. For each function invocation F, for every evaluation A that occurs within F and every evaluation B that does not occur within F but is evaluated on the same thread and as part of the same signal handler (if any), either A is sequenced before B or B is sequenced before A.[cpp17 9] NoteIf A and B would not otherwise be sequenced then they are indeterminately sequenced. Several contexts in C++ cause evaluation of a function call, even though no corresponding function call syntax appears in the translation unit.
ExampleEvaluation of a new-expression invokes one or more allocation and constructor functions; see [expr.new]. For another example, invocation of a conversion function can arise in contexts in which no function call syntax appears.
The sequencing constraints on the execution of the called function (as described above) are features of the function calls as evaluated, whatever the syntax of the expression that calls the function might be.
19 If a signal handler is executed as a result of a call to the std​::​raise function, then the execution of the handler is sequenced after the invocation of the std​::​raise function and before its return. NoteWhen a signal is received for another reason, the execution of the signal handler is usually unsequenced with respect to the rest of the program.

4.7 Multi-threaded executions and data races [intro.multithread]

1 A thread of execution (also known as a thread) is a single flow of control within a program, including the initial invocation of a specific top-level function, and recursively including every function invocation subsequently executed by the thread. NoteWhen one thread creates another, the initial call to the top-level function of the new thread is executed by the new thread, not by the creating thread. Every thread in a program can potentially access every object and function in a program.[cpp17 10] Under a hosted implementation, a C++ program can have more than one thread running concurrently. The execution of each thread proceeds as defined by the remainder of this International Standard. The execution of the entire program consists of an execution of all of its threads. NoteUsually the execution can be viewed as an interleaving of all its threads. However, some kinds of atomic operations, for example, allow executions inconsistent with a simple interleaving, as described below. Under a freestanding implementation, it is implementation-defined whether a program can have more than one thread of execution.
2 For a signal handler that is not executed as a result of a call to the std​::​raise function, it is unspecified which thread of execution contains the signal handler invocation.

4.7.1 Data races [intro.races]

1 The value of an object visible to a thread T at a particular point is the initial value of the object, a value assigned to the object by T, or a value assigned to the object by another thread, according to the rules below. NoteIn some cases, there may instead be undefined behavior. Much of this section is motivated by the desire to support atomic operations with explicit and detailed visibility constraints. However, it also implicitly supports a simpler view for more restricted programs.
2 Two expression evaluations conflict if one of them modifies a memory location and the other one reads or modifies the same memory location.
3 The library defines a number of atomic operations and operations on mutexes that are specially identified as synchronization operations. These operations play a special role in making assignments in one thread visible to another. A synchronization operation on one or more memory locations is either a consume operation, an acquire operation, a release operation, or both an acquire and release operation. A synchronization operation without an associated memory location is a fence and can be either an acquire fence, a release fence, or both an acquire and release fence. In addition, there are relaxed atomic operations, which are not synchronization operations, and atomic read-modify-write operations, which have special characteristics. NoteFor example, a call that acquires a mutex will perform an acquire operation on the locations comprising the mutex. Correspondingly, a call that releases the same mutex will perform a release operation on those same locations. Informally, performing a release operation on A forces prior side effects on other memory locations to become visible to other threads that later perform a consume or an acquire operation on A. “Relaxed” atomic operations are not synchronization operations even though, like synchronization operations, they cannot contribute to data races.
4 All modifications to a particular atomic object M occur in some particular total order, called the modification order of M. NoteThere is a separate order for each atomic object. There is no requirement that these can be combined into a single total order for all objects. In general this will be impossible since different threads may observe modifications to different objects in inconsistent orders.
5 A release sequence headed by a release operation A on an atomic object M is a maximal contiguous sub-sequence of side effects in the modification order of M, where the first operation is A, and every subsequent operation
  • is performed by the same thread that performed A, or

  • is an atomic read-modify-write operation.

6 Certain library calls synchronize with other library calls performed by another thread. For example, an atomic store-release synchronizes with a load-acquire that takes its value from the store ([atomics.order]). NoteExcept in the specified cases, reading a later value does not necessarily ensure visibility as described below. Such a requirement would sometimes interfere with efficient implementation. NoteThe specifications of the synchronization operations define when one reads the value written by another. For atomic objects, the definition is clear. All operations on a given mutex occur in a single total order. Each mutex acquisition “reads the value written” by the last mutex release.
7 An evaluation A carries a dependency to an evaluation B if
  • the value of A is used as an operand of B, unless:

  • A is the left operand of a conditional (?:, see [expr.cond]) operator, or

  • A writes a scalar object or bit-field M, B reads the value written by A from M, and A is sequenced before B, or

  • for some evaluation X, A carries a dependency to X, and X carries a dependency to B.

    Note“Carries a dependency to” is a subset of “is sequenced before”, and is similarly strictly intra-thread.

8 An evaluation A is dependency-ordered before an evaluation B if
  • A performs a release operation on an atomic object M, and, in another thread, B performs a consume operation on M and reads a value written by any side effect in the release sequence headed by A, or

  • for some evaluation X, A is dependency-ordered before X and X carries a dependency to B.

    NoteThe relation “is dependency-ordered before” is analogous to “synchronizes with”, but uses release/consume in place of release/acquire.

9 An evaluation A inter-thread happens before an evaluation B if
  • A synchronizes with B, or

  • A is dependency-ordered before B, or

  • for some evaluation X

  • A synchronizes with X and X is sequenced before B, or

  • A is sequenced before X and X inter-thread happens before B, or

  • A inter-thread happens before X and X inter-thread happens before B.

    NoteThe “inter-thread happens before” relation describes arbitrary concatenations of “sequenced before”, “synchronizes with” and “dependency-ordered before” relationships, with two exceptions. The first exception is that a concatenation is not permitted to end with “dependency-ordered before” followed by “sequenced before”. The reason for this limitation is that a consume operation participating in a “dependency-ordered before” relationship provides ordering only with respect to operations to which this consume operation actually carries a dependency. The reason that this limitation applies only to the end of such a concatenation is that any subsequent release operation will provide the required ordering for a prior consume operation. The second exception is that a concatenation is not permitted to consist entirely of “sequenced before”. The reasons for this limitation are (1) to permit “inter-thread happens before” to be transitively closed and (2) the “happens before” relation, defined below, provides for relationships consisting entirely of “sequenced before”.

10 An evaluation A happens before an evaluation B (or, equivalently, B happens after A) if:
  • A is sequenced before B, or

  • A inter-thread happens before B.

    The implementation shall ensure that no program execution demonstrates a cycle in the “happens before” relation. NoteThis cycle would otherwise be possible only through the use of consume operations.

11 An evaluation A strongly happens before an evaluation B if either
  • A is sequenced before B, or

  • A synchronizes with B, or

  • A strongly happens before X and X strongly happens before B.

    NoteIn the absence of consume operations, the happens before and strongly happens before relations are identical. Strongly happens before essentially excludes consume operations.

12 A visible side effect A on a scalar object or bit-field M with respect to a value computation B of M satisfies the conditions:
  • A happens before B and

  • there is no other side effect X to M such that A happens before X and X happens before B.

    The value of a non-atomic scalar object or bit-field M, as determined by evaluation B, shall be the value stored by the visible side effect A. NoteIf there is ambiguity about which side effect to a non-atomic object or bit-field is visible, then the behavior is either unspecified or undefined. NoteThis states that operations on ordinary objects are not visibly reordered. This is not actually detectable without data races, but it is necessary to ensure that data races, as defined below, and with suitable restrictions on the use of atomics, correspond to data races in a simple interleaved (sequentially consistent) execution.

13 The value of an atomic object M, as determined by evaluation B, shall be the value stored by some side effect A that modifies M, where B does not happen before A. NoteThe set of such side effects is also restricted by the rest of the rules described here, and in particular, by the coherence requirements below.
14 If an operation A that modifies an atomic object M happens before an operation B that modifies M, then A shall be earlier than B in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as write-write coherence.
15 If a value computation A of an atomic object M happens before a value computation B of M, and A takes its value from a side effect X on M, then the value computed by B shall either be the value stored by X or the value stored by a side effect Y on M, where Y follows X in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as read-read coherence.
16 If a value computation A of an atomic object M happens before an operation B that modifies M, then A shall take its value from a side effect X on M, where X precedes B in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as read-write coherence.
17 If a side effect X on an atomic object M happens before a value computation B of M, then the evaluation B shall take its value from X or from a side effect Y that follows X in the modification order of M. NoteThis requirement is known as write-read coherence.
18 NoteThe four preceding coherence requirements effectively disallow compiler reordering of atomic operations to a single object, even if both operations are relaxed loads. This effectively makes the cache coherence guarantee provided by most hardware available to C++ atomic operations.
19 NoteThe value observed by a load of an atomic depends on the “happens before” relation, which depends on the values observed by loads of atomics. The intended reading is that there must exist an association of atomic loads with modifications they observe that, together with suitably chosen modification orders and the “happens before” relation derived as described above, satisfy the resulting constraints as imposed here.
20 Two actions are potentially concurrent if
  • they are performed by different threads, or

  • they are unsequenced, at least one is performed by a signal handler, and they are not both performed by the same signal handler invocation.

    The execution of a program contains a data race if it contains two potentially concurrent conflicting actions, at least one of which is not atomic, and neither happens before the other, except for the special case for signal handlers described below. Any such data race results in undefined behavior. NoteIt can be shown that programs that correctly use mutexes and memory_order_seq_cst operations to prevent all data races and use no other synchronization operations behave as if the operations executed by their constituent threads were simply interleaved, with each value computation of an object being taken from the last side effect on that object in that interleaving. This is normally referred to as “sequential consistency”. However, this applies only to data-race-free programs, and data-race-free programs cannot observe most program transformations that do not change single-threaded program semantics. In fact, most single-threaded program transformations continue to be allowed, since any program that behaves differently as a result must perform an undefined operation.

21 Two accesses to the same object of type volatile std​::​sig_atomic_t do not result in a data race if both occur in the same thread, even if one or more occurs in a signal handler. For each signal handler invocation, evaluations performed by the thread invoking a signal handler can be divided into two groups A and B, such that no evaluations in B happen before evaluations in A, and the evaluations of such volatile std​::​sig_atomic_t objects take values as though all evaluations in A happened before the execution of the signal handler and the execution of the signal handler happened before all evaluations in B.
22 NoteCompiler transformations that introduce assignments to a potentially shared memory location that would not be modified by the abstract machine are generally precluded by this International Standard, since such an assignment might overwrite another assignment by a different thread in cases in which an abstract machine execution would not have encountered a data race. This includes implementations of data member assignment that overwrite adjacent members in separate memory locations. Reordering of atomic loads in cases in which the atomics in question may alias is also generally precluded, since this may violate the coherence rules.
23 NoteTransformations that introduce a speculative read of a potentially shared memory location may not preserve the semantics of the C++ program as defined in this International Standard, since they potentially introduce a data race. However, they are typically valid in the context of an optimizing compiler that targets a specific machine with well-defined semantics for data races. They would be invalid for a hypothetical machine that is not tolerant of races or provides hardware race detection.

4.7.2 Forward progress [intro.progress]

1 The implementation may assume that any thread will eventually do one of the following:
  • terminate,

  • make a call to a library I/O function,

  • perform an access through a volatile glvalue, or

  • perform a synchronization operation or an atomic operation.

    NoteThis is intended to allow compiler transformations such as removal of empty loops, even when termination cannot be proven.

2 Executions of atomic functions that are either defined to be lock-free or indicated as lock-free are lock-free executions.
  • If there is only one thread that is not blocked in a standard library function, a lock-free execution in that thread shall complete. NoteConcurrently executing threads may prevent progress of a lock-free execution. For example, this situation can occur with load-locked store-conditional implementations. This property is sometimes termed obstruction-free.

  • When one or more lock-free executions run concurrently, at least one should complete. NoteIt is difficult for some implementations to provide absolute guarantees to this effect, since repeated and particularly inopportune interference from other threads may prevent forward progress, e.g., by repeatedly stealing a cache line for unrelated purposes between load-locked and store-conditional instructions. Implementations should ensure that such effects cannot indefinitely delay progress under expected operating conditions, and that such anomalies can therefore safely be ignored by programmers. Outside this document, this property is sometimes termed lock-free.

3 During the execution of a thread of execution, each of the following is termed an execution step:
  • termination of the thread of execution,

  • performing an access through a volatile glvalue, or

  • completion of a call to a library I/O function, a synchronization operation, or an atomic operation.

4 An invocation of a standard library function that blocks is considered to continuously execute execution steps while waiting for the condition that it blocks on to be satisfied.
ExampleA library I/O function that blocks until the I/O operation is complete can be considered to continuously check whether the operation is complete. Each such check might consist of one or more execution steps, for example using observable behavior of the abstract machine.
5 NoteBecause of this and the preceding requirement regarding what threads of execution have to perform eventually, it follows that no thread of execution can execute forever without an execution step occurring.
6 A thread of execution makes progress when an execution step occurs or a lock-free execution does not complete because there are other concurrent threads that are not blocked in a standard library function (see above).
7 For a thread of execution providing concurrent forward progress guarantees, the implementation ensures that the thread will eventually make progress for as long as it has not terminated. NoteThis is required regardless of whether or not other threads of executions (if any) have been or are making progress. To eventually fulfill this requirement means that this will happen in an unspecified but finite amount of time.
8 It is implementation-defined whether the implementation-created thread of execution that executes main and the threads of execution created by std​::​thread provide concurrent forward progress guarantees. NoteGeneral-purpose implementations are encouraged to provide these guarantees.
9 For a thread of execution providing parallel forward progress guarantees, the implementation is not required to ensure that the thread will eventually make progress if it has not yet executed any execution step; once this thread has executed a step, it provides concurrent forward progress guarantees.
10 NoteThis does not specify a requirement for when to start this thread of execution, which will typically be specified by the entity that creates this thread of execution. For example, a thread of execution that provides concurrent forward progress guarantees and executes tasks from a set of tasks in an arbitrary order, one after the other, satisfies the requirements of parallel forward progress for these tasks.
11 For a thread of execution providing weakly parallel forward progress guarantees, the implementation does not ensure that the thread will eventually make progress.
12 NoteThreads of execution providing weakly parallel forward progress guarantees cannot be expected to make progress regardless of whether other threads make progress or not; however, blocking with forward progress guarantee delegation, as defined below, can be used to ensure that such threads of execution make progress eventually.
13 Concurrent forward progress guarantees are stronger than parallel forward progress guarantees, which in turn are stronger than weakly parallel forward progress guarantees. NoteFor example, some kinds of synchronization between threads of execution may only make progress if the respective threads of execution provide parallel forward progress guarantees, but will fail to make progress under weakly parallel guarantees.
14 When a thread of execution P is specified to block with forward progress guarantee delegation on the completion of a set S of threads of execution, then throughout the whole time of P being blocked on S, the implementation shall ensure that the forward progress guarantees provided by at least one thread of execution in S is at least as strong as P's forward progress guarantees. NoteIt is unspecified which thread or threads of execution in S are chosen and for which number of execution steps. The strengthening is not permanent and not necessarily in place for the rest of the lifetime of the affected thread of execution. As long as P is blocked, the implementation has to eventually select and potentially strengthen a thread of execution in S. Once a thread of execution in S terminates, it is removed from S. Once S is empty, P is unblocked.
15 NoteA thread of execution B thus can temporarily provide an effectively stronger forward progress guarantee for a certain amount of time, due to a second thread of execution A being blocked on it with forward progress guarantee delegation. In turn, if B then blocks with forward progress guarantee delegation on C, this may also temporarily provide a stronger forward progress guarantee to C.
16 NoteIf all threads of execution in S finish executing (e.g., they terminate and do not use blocking synchronization incorrectly), then P's execution of the operation that blocks with forward progress guarantee delegation will not result in P's progress guarantee being effectively weakened.
17 NoteThis does not remove any constraints regarding blocking synchronization for threads of execution providing parallel or weakly parallel forward progress guarantees because the implementation is not required to strengthen a particular thread of execution whose too-weak progress guarantee is preventing overall progress.
18 An implementation should ensure that the last value (in modification order) assigned by an atomic or synchronization operation will become visible to all other threads in a finite period of time.

4.8 Acknowledgments [intro.ack]

1 The implementation may assume that any thread will eventually do one of the following:
  • terminate,

  • make a call to a library I/O function,

  • perform an access through a volatile glvalue, or

  • perform a synchronization operation or an atomic operation.

    NoteThis is intended to allow compiler transformations such as removal of empty loops, even when termination cannot be proven.

2 Executions of atomic functions that are either defined to be lock-free or indicated as lock-free are lock-free executions.
  • If there is only one thread that is not blocked in a standard library function, a lock-free execution in that thread shall complete. NoteConcurrently executing threads may prevent progress of a lock-free execution. For example, this situation can occur with load-locked store-conditional implementations. This property is sometimes termed obstruction-free.

  • When one or more lock-free executions run concurrently, at least one should complete. NoteIt is difficult for some implementations to provide absolute guarantees to this effect, since repeated and particularly inopportune interference from other threads may prevent forward progress, e.g., by repeatedly stealing a cache line for unrelated purposes between load-locked and store-conditional instructions. Implementations should ensure that such effects cannot indefinitely delay progress under expected operating conditions, and that such anomalies can therefore safely be ignored by programmers. Outside this document, this property is sometimes termed lock-free.

3 During the execution of a thread of execution, each of the following is termed an execution step:
  • termination of the thread of execution,

  • performing an access through a volatile glvalue, or

  • completion of a call to a library I/O function, a synchronization operation, or an atomic operation.

4 An invocation of a standard library function that blocks is considered to continuously execute execution steps while waiting for the condition that it blocks on to be satisfied.
ExampleA library I/O function that blocks until the I/O operation is complete can be considered to continuously check whether the operation is complete. Each such check might consist of one or more execution steps, for example using observable behavior of the abstract machine.
5 NoteBecause of this and the preceding requirement regarding what threads of execution have to perform eventually, it follows that no thread of execution can execute forever without an execution step occurring.
6 A thread of execution makes progress when an execution step occurs or a lock-free execution does not complete because there are other concurrent threads that are not blocked in a standard library function (see above).
7 For a thread of execution providing concurrent forward progress guarantees, the implementation ensures that the thread will eventually make progress for as long as it has not terminated. NoteThis is required regardless of whether or not other threads of executions (if any) have been or are making progress. To eventually fulfill this requirement means that this will happen in an unspecified but finite amount of time.
8 It is implementation-defined whether the implementation-created thread of execution that executes main and the threads of execution created by std​::​thread provide concurrent forward progress guarantees. NoteGeneral-purpose implementations are encouraged to provide these guarantees.
9 For a thread of execution providing parallel forward progress guarantees, the implementation is not required to ensure that the thread will eventually make progress if it has not yet executed any execution step; once this thread has executed a step, it provides concurrent forward progress guarantees.
10 NoteThis does not specify a requirement for when to start this thread of execution, which will typically be specified by the entity that creates this thread of execution. For example, a thread of execution that provides concurrent forward progress guarantees and executes tasks from a set of tasks in an arbitrary order, one after the other, satisfies the requirements of parallel forward progress for these tasks.
11 For a thread of execution providing weakly parallel forward progress guarantees, the implementation does not ensure that the thread will eventually make progress.
12 NoteThreads of execution providing weakly parallel forward progress guarantees cannot be expected to make progress regardless of whether other threads make progress or not; however, blocking with forward progress guarantee delegation, as defined below, can be used to ensure that such threads of execution make progress eventually.
13 Concurrent forward progress guarantees are stronger than parallel forward progress guarantees, which in turn are stronger than weakly parallel forward progress guarantees. NoteFor example, some kinds of synchronization between threads of execution may only make progress if the respective threads of execution provide parallel forward progress guarantees, but will fail to make progress under weakly parallel guarantees.
14 When a thread of execution P is specified to block with forward progress guarantee delegation on the completion of a set S of threads of execution, then throughout the whole time of P being blocked on S, the implementation shall ensure that the forward progress guarantees provided by at least one thread of execution in S is at least as strong as P's forward progress guarantees. NoteIt is unspecified which thread or threads of execution in S are chosen and for which number of execution steps. The strengthening is not permanent and not necessarily in place for the rest of the lifetime of the affected thread of execution. As long as P is blocked, the implementation has to eventually select and potentially strengthen a thread of execution in S. Once a thread of execution in S terminates, it is removed from S. Once S is empty, P is unblocked.
15 NoteA thread of execution B thus can temporarily provide an effectively stronger forward progress guarantee for a certain amount of time, due to a second thread of execution A being blocked on it with forward progress guarantee delegation. In turn, if B then blocks with forward progress guarantee delegation on C, this may also temporarily provide a stronger forward progress guarantee to C.
16 NoteIf all threads of execution in S finish executing (e.g., they terminate and do not use blocking synchronization incorrectly), then P's execution of the operation that blocks with forward progress guarantee delegation will not result in P's progress guarantee being effectively weakened.
17 NoteThis does not remove any constraints regarding blocking synchronization for threads of execution providing parallel or weakly parallel forward progress guarantees because the implementation is not required to strengthen a particular thread of execution whose too-weak progress guarantee is preventing overall progress.
18 An implementation should ensure that the last value (in modification order) assigned by an atomic or synchronization operation will become visible to all other threads in a finite period of time.

  1. “Correct execution” can include undefined behavior, depending on the data being processed; see Clause [intro.defs] and [intro.execution].
  2. This documentation also defines implementation-defined behavior; see [intro.execution].
  3. The number of bits in a byte is reported by the macro CHAR_BIT in the header <climits>.
  4. Under the “as-if” rule an implementation is allowed to store two objects at the same machine address or not store an object at all if the program cannot observe the difference ([intro.execution]).
  5. This provision is sometimes called the “as-if” rule, because an implementation is free to disregard any requirement of this International Standard as long as the result is as if the requirement had been obeyed, as far as can be determined from the observable behavior of the program. For instance, an actual implementation need not evaluate part of an expression if it can deduce that its value is not used and that no side effects affecting the observable behavior of the program are produced.
  6. This documentation also includes conditionally-supported constructs and locale-specific behavior. See [intro.compliance].
  7. Overloaded operators are never assumed to be associative or commutative.
  8. As specified in [class.temporary], after a full-expression is evaluated, a sequence of zero or more invocations of destructor functions for temporary objects takes place, usually in reverse order of the construction of each temporary object.
  9. In other words, function executions do not interleave with each other.
  10. An object with automatic or thread storage duration is associated with one specific thread, and can be accessed by a different thread only indirectly through a pointer or reference.


Source: https://timsong-cpp.github.io/cppwp/n4868/intro

1 Scope [intro.scope]
2 Normative references [intro.refs]
3 Terms and definitions [intro.defs]
4 General principles [intro]
4.1 Implementation compliance [intro.compliance]
4.2 Structure of this document [intro.structure]
4.3 Syntax notation [syntax]
5 Lexical conventions [lex]
6 Basics [basic]
7 Expressions [expr]
8 Statements [stmt.stmt]
9 Declarations [dcl.dcl]
10 Modules [module]
11 Classes [class]
12 Overloading [over]
13 Templates [temp]
14 Exception handling [except]
15 Preprocessing directives [cpp]
16 Library introduction [library]
17 Language support library [support]
18 Concepts library [concepts]
19 Diagnostics library [diagnostics]
20 General utilities library [utilities]
21 Strings library [strings]
22 Containers library [containers]
23 Iterators library [iterators]
24 Ranges library [ranges]
25 Algorithms library [algorithms]
26 Numerics library [numerics]
27 Time library [time]
28 Localization library [localization]
29 Input/output library [input.output]
30 Regular expressions library [re]
31 Atomic operations library [atomics]
32 Thread support library [thread]
Annex A (informative) Grammar summary [gram]
Annex B (normative) Implementation quantities [implimits]
Annex C (informative) Compatibility [diff]
Annex D (normative) Compatibility features [depr]
Index [generalindex]
Index of grammar productions [grammarindex]
Index of library headers [headerindex]
Index of library names [libraryindex]
Index of library concepts [conceptindex]
Index of implementation-defined behavior [impldefindex]

4 General principles [intro]

4.1 Implementation compliance [intro.compliance]

4.1.1 General [intro.compliance.general]

1 The set of diagnosable rules consists of all syntactic and semantic rules in this document except for those rules containing an explicit notation that “no diagnostic is required” or which are described as resulting in “undefined behavior”.
2 Although this document states only requirements on C++ implementations, those requirements are often easier to understand if they are phrased as requirements on programs, parts of programs, or execution of programs. Such requirements have the following meaning:
  • If a program contains no violations of the rules in [lex] through [thread] and [depr], a conforming implementation shall, within its resource limits as described in [implimits], accept and correctly execute[cpp20 1] that program.

  • If a program contains a violation of any diagnosable rule or an occurrence of a construct described in this document as “conditionally-supported” when the implementation does not support that construct, a conforming implementation shall issue at least one diagnostic message.

  • If a program contains a violation of a rule for which no diagnostic is required, this document places no requirement on implementations with respect to that program.

    NoteDuring template argument deduction and substitution, certain constructs that in other contexts require a diagnostic are treated differently; see [temp.deduct].

3 For classes and class templates, the library Clauses specify partial definitions. Private members are not specified, but each implementation shall supply them to complete the definitions according to the description in the library Clauses.
4 For functions, function templates, objects, and values, the library Clauses specify declarations. Implementations shall supply definitions consistent with the descriptions in the library Clauses.
5 The names defined in the library have namespace scope ([basic.namespace]). A C++ translation unit ([lex.phases]) obtains access to these names by including the appropriate standard library header or importing the appropriate standard library named header unit ([using.headers]).
6 The templates, classes, functions, and objects in the library have external linkage. The implementation provides definitions for standard library entities, as necessary, while combining translation units to form a complete C++ program ([lex.phases]).
7 Two kinds of implementations are defined: a hosted implementation and a freestanding implementation. For a hosted implementation, this document defines the set of available libraries. A freestanding implementation is one in which execution may take place without the benefit of an operating system, and has an implementation-defined set of libraries that includes certain language-support libraries ([compliance]).
8 A conforming implementation may have extensions (including additional library functions), provided they do not alter the behavior of any well-formed program. Implementations are required to diagnose programs that use such extensions that are ill-formed according to this document. Having done so, however, they can compile and execute such programs.
9 Each implementation shall include documentation that identifies all conditionally-supported constructs that it does not support and defines all locale-specific characteristics.[cpp20 2]

4.1.2 Abstract machine [intro.abstract]

1 The semantic descriptions in this document define a parameterized nondeterministic abstract machine. This document places no requirement on the structure of conforming implementations. In particular, they need not copy or emulate the structure of the abstract machine. Rather, conforming implementations are required to emulate (only) the observable behavior of the abstract machine as explained below.[cpp20 3]
2 Certain aspects and operations of the abstract machine are described in this document as implementation-defined (for example, sizeof(int)). These constitute the parameters of the abstract machine. Each implementation shall include documentation describing its characteristics and behavior in these respects.[cpp20 4] Such documentation shall define the instance of the abstract machine that corresponds to that implementation (referred to as the “corresponding instance” below).
3 Certain other aspects and operations of the abstract machine are described in this document as unspecified (for example, order of evaluation of arguments in a function call ([expr.call])). Where possible, this document defines a set of allowable behaviors. These define the nondeterministic aspects of the abstract machine. An instance of the abstract machine can thus have more than one possible execution for a given program and a given input.
4 Certain other operations are described in this document as undefined (for example, the effect of attempting to modify a const object).

NoteThis document imposes no requirements on the behavior of programs that contain undefined behavior.

5 A conforming implementation executing a well-formed program shall produce the same observable behavior as one of the possible executions of the corresponding instance of the abstract machine with the same program and the same input. However, if any such execution contains an undefined operation, this document places no requirement on the implementation executing that program with that input (not even with regard to operations preceding the first undefined operation).
6 The least requirements on a conforming implementation are:
  • Accesses through volatile glvalues are evaluated strictly according to the rules of the abstract machine.

  • At program termination, all data written into files shall be identical to one of the possible results that execution of the program according to the abstract semantics would have produced.

  • The input and output dynamics of interactive devices shall take place in such a fashion that prompting output is actually delivered before a program waits for input. What constitutes an interactive device is implementation-defined.

    These collectively are referred to as the observable behavior of the program. NoteMore stringent correspondences between abstract and actual semantics can be defined by each implementation.

4.2 Structure of this document [intro.structure]

1 [lex] through [cpp] describe the C++ programming language. That description includes detailed syntactic specifications in a form described in [syntax]. For convenience, [gram] repeats all such syntactic specifications.
2 [support] through [thread] and [depr] (the library clauses) describe the C++ standard library. That description includes detailed descriptions of the entities and macros that constitute the library, in a form described in [library].
3 [implimits] recommends lower bounds on the capacity of conforming implementations.
4 [diff] summarizes the evolution of C++ since its first published description, and explains in detail the differences between C++ and C. Certain features of C++ exist solely for compatibility purposes; [depr] describes those features.

4.3 Syntax notation [syntax]

1 [lex] through [cpp] describe the C++ programming language. That description includes detailed syntactic specifications in a form described in [syntax]. For convenience, [gram] repeats all such syntactic specifications.
2 [support] through [thread] and [depr] (the library clauses) describe the C++ standard library. That description includes detailed descriptions of the entities and macros that constitute the library, in a form described in [library].
3 [implimits] recommends lower bounds on the capacity of conforming implementations.
4 [diff] summarizes the evolution of C++ since its first published description, and explains in detail the differences between C++ and C. Certain features of C++ exist solely for compatibility purposes; [depr] describes those features.

  1. “Correct execution” can include undefined behavior, depending on the data being processed; see [intro.defs] and [intro.execution]. 
  2. This documentation also defines implementation-defined behavior; see [intro.abstract]. 
  3. This provision is sometimes called the “as-if” rule, because an implementation is free to disregard any requirement of this document as long as the result is as if the requirement had been obeyed, as far as can be determined from the observable behavior of the program. For instance, an actual implementation need not evaluate part of an expression if it can deduce that its value is not used and that no side effects affecting the observable behavior of the program are produced. 
  4. This documentation also includes conditionally-supported constructs and locale-specific behavior. See [intro.compliance]. 


Source: https://timsong-cpp.github.io/cppwp/n4950/intro

1 Scope [intro.scope]
2 Normative references [intro.refs]
3 Terms and definitions [intro.defs]
4 General principles [intro]
4.1 Implementation compliance [intro.compliance]
4.2 Structure of this document [intro.structure]
4.3 Syntax notation [syntax]
5 Lexical conventions [lex]
6 Basics [basic]
7 Expressions [expr]
8 Statements [stmt.stmt]
9 Declarations [dcl.dcl]
10 Modules [module]
11 Classes [class]
12 Overloading [over]
13 Templates [temp]
14 Exception handling [except]
15 Preprocessing directives [cpp]
16 Library introduction [library]
17 Language support library [support]
18 Concepts library [concepts]
19 Diagnostics library [diagnostics]
20 Memory management library [mem]
21 Metaprogramming library [meta]
22 General utilities library [utilities]
23 Strings library [strings]
24 Containers library [containers]
25 Iterators library [iterators]
26 Ranges library [ranges]
27 Algorithms library [algorithms]
28 Numerics library [numerics]
29 Time library [time]
30 Localization library [localization]
31 Input/output library [input.output]
32 Regular expressions library [re]
33 Concurrency support library [thread]
Annex A (informative) Grammar summary [gram]
Annex B (normative) Implementation quantities [implimits]
Annex C (informative) Compatibility [diff]
Annex D (normative) Compatibility features [depr]
Annex E (informative) Conformance with UAX #31 [uaxid]
Bibliography [bibliography]
Index [generalindex]
Index of grammar productions [grammarindex]
Index of library headers [headerindex]
Index of library names [libraryindex]
Index of library concepts [conceptindex]
Index of implementation-defined behavior [impldefindex]

4 General principles [intro]

4.1 Implementation compliance [intro.compliance]

4.1.1 General [intro.compliance.general]

1 The set of diagnosable rules consists of all syntactic and semantic rules in this document except for those rules containing an explicit notation that “no diagnostic is required” or which are described as resulting in “undefined behavior”.
2 Although this document states only requirements on C++ implementations, those requirements are often easier to understand if they are phrased as requirements on programs, parts of programs, or execution of programs. Such requirements have the following meaning:
  • If a program contains no violations of the rules in [lex] through [thread] and [depr], a conforming implementation shall, within its resource limits as described in [implimits], accept and correctly execute[cpp23 1] that program.

  • If a program contains a violation of a rule for which no diagnostic is required, this document places no requirement on implementations with respect to that program.

  • Otherwise, if a program contains a violation of any diagnosable rule or an occurrence of a construct described in this document as “conditionally-supported” when the implementation does not support that construct, a conforming implementation shall issue at least one diagnostic message.

    NoteDuring template argument deduction and substitution, certain constructs that in other contexts require a diagnostic are treated differently; see [temp.deduct]. Furthermore, a conforming implementation

  • shall not accept a preprocessing translation unit containing a #error preprocessing directive ([cpp.error]),

  • shall issue at least one diagnostic message for each #warning or #error preprocessing directive not following a #error preprocessing directive in a preprocessing translation unit, and

3 For classes and class templates, the library Clauses specify partial definitions. Private members are not specified, but each implementation shall supply them to complete the definitions according to the description in the library Clauses.
4 For functions, function templates, objects, and values, the library Clauses specify declarations. Implementations shall supply definitions consistent with the descriptions in the library Clauses.
5 A C++ translation unit ([lex.phases]) obtains access to the names defined in the library by including the appropriate standard library header or importing the appropriate standard library named header unit ([using.headers]).
6 The templates, classes, functions, and objects in the library have external linkage. The implementation provides definitions for standard library entities, as necessary, while combining translation units to form a complete C++ program ([lex.phases]).
7 Two kinds of implementations are defined: a hosted implementation and a freestanding implementation. A freestanding implementation is one in which execution may take place without the benefit of an operating system. A hosted implementation supports all the facilities described in this document, while a freestanding implementation supports the entire C++ language described in [lex] through [cpp] and the subset of the library facilities described in [compliance].
8 A conforming implementation may have extensions (including additional library functions), provided they do not alter the behavior of any well-formed program. Implementations are required to diagnose programs that use such extensions that are ill-formed according to this document. Having done so, however, they can compile and execute such programs.
9 Each implementation shall include documentation that identifies all conditionally-supported constructs that it does not support and defines all locale-specific characteristics.[cpp23 2]

4.1.2 Abstract machine [intro.abstract]

1 The semantic descriptions in this document define a parameterized nondeterministic abstract machine. This document places no requirement on the structure of conforming implementations. In particular, they need not copy or emulate the structure of the abstract machine. Rather, conforming implementations are required to emulate (only) the observable behavior of the abstract machine as explained below.[cpp23 3]
2 Certain aspects and operations of the abstract machine are described in this document as implementation-defined (for example, sizeof(int)). These constitute the parameters of the abstract machine. Each implementation shall include documentation describing its characteristics and behavior in these respects.[cpp23 4] Such documentation shall define the instance of the abstract machine that corresponds to that implementation (referred to as the “corresponding instance” below).
3 Certain other aspects and operations of the abstract machine are described in this document as unspecified (for example, order of evaluation of arguments in a function call ([expr.call])). Where possible, this document defines a set of allowable behaviors. These define the nondeterministic aspects of the abstract machine. An instance of the abstract machine can thus have more than one possible execution for a given program and a given input.
4 Certain other operations are described in this document as undefined (for example, the effect of attempting to modify a const object).

NoteThis document imposes no requirements on the behavior of programs that contain undefined behavior.

5 A conforming implementation executing a well-formed program shall produce the same observable behavior as one of the possible executions of the corresponding instance of the abstract machine with the same program and the same input. However, if any such execution contains an undefined operation, this document places no requirement on the implementation executing that program with that input (not even with regard to operations preceding the first undefined operation).
6 The least requirements on a conforming implementation are:
  • Accesses through volatile glvalues are evaluated strictly according to the rules of the abstract machine.

  • At program termination, all data written into files shall be identical to one of the possible results that execution of the program according to the abstract semantics would have produced.

  • The input and output dynamics of interactive devices shall take place in such a fashion that prompting output is actually delivered before a program waits for input. What constitutes an interactive device is implementation-defined.

    These collectively are referred to as the observable behavior of the program. NoteMore stringent correspondences between abstract and actual semantics can be defined by each implementation.

4.2 Structure of this document [intro.structure]

1 [lex] through [cpp] describe the C++ programming language. That description includes detailed syntactic specifications in a form described in [syntax]. For convenience, [gram] repeats all such syntactic specifications.
2 [support] through [thread] and [depr] (the library clauses) describe the C++ standard library. That description includes detailed descriptions of the entities and macros that constitute the library, in a form described in [library].
3 [implimits] recommends lower bounds on the capacity of conforming implementations.
4 [diff] summarizes the evolution of C++ since its first published description, and explains in detail the differences between C++ and C. Certain features of C++ exist solely for compatibility purposes; [depr] describes those features.

4.3 Syntax notation [syntax]

1 [lex] through [cpp] describe the C++ programming language. That description includes detailed syntactic specifications in a form described in [syntax]. For convenience, [gram] repeats all such syntactic specifications.
2 [support] through [thread] and [depr] (the library clauses) describe the C++ standard library. That description includes detailed descriptions of the entities and macros that constitute the library, in a form described in [library].
3 [implimits] recommends lower bounds on the capacity of conforming implementations.
4 [diff] summarizes the evolution of C++ since its first published description, and explains in detail the differences between C++ and C. Certain features of C++ exist solely for compatibility purposes; [depr] describes those features.

  1. “Correct execution” can include undefined behavior, depending on the data being processed; see [intro.defs] and [intro.execution].
  2. This documentation also defines implementation-defined behavior; see [intro.abstract].
  3. This provision is sometimes called the “as-if” rule, because an implementation is free to disregard any requirement of this document as long as the result is as if the requirement had been obeyed, as far as can be determined from the observable behavior of the program. For instance, an actual implementation need not evaluate part of an expression if it can deduce that its value is not used and that no side effects affecting the observable behavior of the program are produced.
  4. This documentation also includes conditionally-supported constructs and locale-specific behavior. See [intro.compliance.general].